The British Settled in New York for the winter Left some troops in Princeton and Trenton, New Jersey Washington saw a way to catch the British off guard December 25 th, 1776 Washington and 2,400 troops crossed the icy Delaware river to Trenton and surprised the Hessians Washington then marched to Princeton and drove out the British “Late successes have turned the scale and now they are all liberty-mad again”
A British Plan for Victory The British planned on taking Albany, New York Wanted to control the Hudson River This would separate New England from the Middle Colonies Involved a three-pronged attack 1. General John Burgoyne would lead 8,000 troops south from Canada 2. Lt. Colonel Barry St. Leger would move east from Lake Ontario 3. General Howe would move north from New York City The three groups would meet at Albany and destroy the Patriot troops
The British Capture Philadelphia Howe won battles near and in Philadelphia in September 1777 The Continental Congress was forced to flee Washington then attacked the British at Germantown, but had to withdraw Howe decided to spend the winter in Philadelphia instead of going to Albany Howe wanted to stay close to Washington’s troops
Patriots slow the British St. Leger’s forces approached Fort Stanwix, New York Benedict Arnold forced the British to retreat General Burgoyne’s troops were not making much progress Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne traveled with 30 wagons of luxury goods Americans also cut down trees to block their path Burgoyne needed supplies so he sent 800 troops to Bennington, Vermont The Green Mountain Boys attacked and defeated them Burgoyne retreated to Saratoga, New York in October
The Battle of Saratoga The British forces Burgoyne expected did not arrive St. Leger was defeated and Howe was still in Philadelphia American troops under General Horatio Gates blocked Burgoyne’s path to the south Burgoyne was surrounded by a large army, but decided to attack The American’s held together and forced Burgoyne to surrender Howe then resigned as commander of British troops in America and was replaced by General Henry Clinton Saratoga was a turning point in the war, Patriot victory now seemed possible
A.A B.B C.C D.D Section 1Section 1 At which battle was the British plan to separate the colonies foiled? A.The Battle of Saratoga B.The Battle of Trenton C.The Battle of Philadelphia D.The Battle of Burgoyne
Essential QuestionEssential Question W h a t c h a l l e n g e s d i d t h e A m e r i c a n r e v o l u t i o n a r i e s f a c e a t t h e s t a r t o f t h e w a r ? -Americans had fewer people and less wealth -They lacked a regular army and a strong navy -They lacked military experience, weapons, and ammunition -Not all Americans supported the cause -Some Americans fought for the British
Chapter 6 Section 1 Quiz
Enslaved African Americans who fought on the British side were given B.freedom. D.guns.
Who disguised herself as a man so she could fight with the army? A.Deborah Sampson B.Margaret Corbin C.Molly Pitcher D.Betsy Ross
Few patriots believed ____________ when he stated, “We shall have a long and bloody war to go through.” A.Alexander Hamilton B.George Washington C.John Adams D.Thomas Paine
The first state to have an all- African American regiment was A.South Carolina. B.New York. C.Georgia. D.Rhode Island.
On October 17, 1777, General John Burgoyne surrendered to the Americans at A.Philadelphia. B.Trenton. C.Saratoga. D.Concord.
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