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YOUR COURSE MATERIALS Haviland/Prins/Walrath/McBride Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge, 12e You will… — be tested — receive homework assignments — have reading assignments …from these materials
WHY DO I NEED THE BOOK? — Nine in ten professors (90%) say that students would do better if they made greater user of the assigned textbook. — Students’ pass rates, retention rates and grades improve when they employ supplemental materials in addition to their textbooks. Zogby International, 2006
WHAT’S SO DIFFERENT ABOUT THE NEW EDITION? – Chapter 3, Ethnographic Research: Its History, Methods, and Theories, is a new chapter focusing on research methods past and present. – Globalscape, a new map feature, charts the global flow of people, goods, and services, as well as pollutants and pathogens. Globalscapes show how the world is interconnected through human activity. – Thomson Audio Study features MP3- ready Audio Lecture Overviews for each chapter and a comprehensive audio glossary of key terms for quick study and review.
GET THE GRADE RESOURCES! —Anthropology Resource Center —e-AUDIO —Case Studies —Free Companion Website —Premium Companion Website
FREE COMPANION WEBSITE! Great for test prep!
e-AUDIO —eAUDIO Thomson Audio Study for Haviland/Prins/Walrath/ McBride, CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY, 12th Edition features MP3-ready Audio Lecture Overviews for each chapter and a comprehensive audio glossary of key terms for quick study and review.
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STUDENTS…PLEASE READ If your textbook doesn’t already come with the helpful study aids we’ve discussed, go to your local college bookstore or go on-line to the iChapters.com.