CS-112 Object Oriented Concepts Course Syllabus
Outline Instructor and Prerequisites What this course is Learning outcomes Degree program outcomes Week by week Q / A
Instructor and Prerequisites Instructor: Dr. Peter G. Raeth Course Website: Required Prerequisites: CIS 111 Prerequisite Skills and Competencies: Develop and apply problem solving skills (CIS 111) Apply data fundamentals: file/record/field, data types and data for testing (CIS 111) Apply the program design process (CIS 111) Apply the program development process: design, code, test and debug programs which include input and output, sequence, selection, and repetition. (CIS 111)
What this course is 11-week intro to object oriented concepts Object oriented design principles and practice Understanding and use of UML unified modeling language for OO designs Beginning practice with OO using Alice
Two Required Texts The Object-Oriented Approach John W. Satzinger and Tore U. Orvik Learning to Program with Alice Wanda P. Dann, Stephen Cooper, Randy Pausch
Course Learning Objectives Evaluate and understand the benefits and challenges associated with an object-oriented analysis design approach to software and project development. Identify the key concepts used in object-oriented development including inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Identify design patterns in term of participating objects and classes and the roles they take on relative to the problem the design solves. Investigate and evaluate OOA&D tools, methods, and models that are available and currently used in business practice. Apply object-oriented concepts in the design of a stable system and programming project. Use MS VISIO to document OOD diagrams that meet UML standards. Use Alice to implement OOP derived from OOA and OOD.
CIS Degree Outcomes Identify, analyze, and document computer system specifications, and information requirements within the business environment. Exhibit professional/occupational behavior and work habits. Correctly design and program a computer solution using event driven object-oriented techniques. Apply program development techniques that demonstrate a formal process for decision making and problem solving using classic methods as well as object-oriented methods. Identify, analyze, and document program/system specifications and information requirements for a typical business problem. Implement analysis and design for practical application
Week by Week Two Components: Principles and Practice Week 1 2 Apr Chapter 1 The Object Oriented Revolution Chapter 2 Is Everything an Object? Read Chapters 1 & 2 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 1 & 2 Homework: Chp 1: Discussion Questions 1 & 3 Chp 2: Exercises 1 thru 3 Week 2 9 Apr Chapter 3 The Importance of Object Think Chapter 4 Basic Object Oriented Concepts Read Chapters 3 & 4 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 3 & 4 Homework: Chp 3: Exercises 1 thru 3 Chp 4: Exercises 1, 3 & 4
Week by Week Week 3 16 Apr Chapter 5 Models and UML Notation for the Object Oriented Approach Introduction to MS Visio Read Chapter 5 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 5 Homework: Chp 5: Exercises 1, 2 & 5 Visio exercise (to be assigned) Week 4 23 Apr Chapter 6 Understanding Simple Object Oriented Requirements Models More on MS Visio Read Chapter 6 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 6 Homework: Chp 6: Exercises 1, 2 & 4 Visio exercise (to be assigned)
Week by Week Week 5 30 Apr Chapter 7 Understanding More Complex Requirements Models with Generalization/Specialization and Whole-Part Hierarchies Chapter 8 Object Oriented Development Life Cycle Read Chapter 7 & 8 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapters 7 & 8 Homework: Chp 7: Exercises: 1 & 4 Chp 8: Exercise 1 Week 6 7 May Chapters 9 Object-Oriented Case Study Chapter 10 Object Oriented Design *** Exam review Read Chapters 9 & 10 (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapters 9 & 10 Homework: Chp 9: Exercises: 1, 3 & 4 Chp 10: Exercise 1 Take-home exam: open notes open book
Week by Week Week 7 14 May Intro to OOP with AliceRead Chapter 1 in Alice book (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 1 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 1, Exercise 1 Week 8 21 May OOP with AliceRead Chapter 2 in the Alice Book (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 2 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 2, Exercise 3
Week by Week Week 9 28 May Memorial Day OOP with AliceRead Chapter 3 in the Alice Book (Before Class) Open Discussion on Chapter 3 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 3, Exercise 1 Week 10 4 June OOP with AliceRead Chapter 4 in the Alice Book (Before class) Open Discussion on Chapter 4 In-Class Demonstration and Lab Homework: Chapter 4, Exercise 1
Week by Week Week June OOP with AliceRead Chapter 5 in the Alice Book (Before class) Open Discussion on Chapter 5 In-Class Demonstration and Lab
Grade Allocations Homework255 Exam100 Commitment to Learning20 Teamwork20 Total395 LETTER GRADES (based on percent of total points earned) 100%-90% A 89%-80% B 79%-70% C 69%-60% D BELOW 60% F
Some Basic Themes Be on time to class – Pay attention Don’t cheat, Do you own work Getting advice and learning from others is ok Give credit where credit is due Work hard, Learn this material, Help others Turn all homework in the week after assigned Strive to be the best, head and shoulders above the average Prepare yourself for a winning career
Be Actively Engaged Treat your classes as you would a desirable job. instructor is team leader, fellow students are coworkers everyone must work together to complete learning objectives Attend all classes on time. Respect the rights of others to contribute by listening attentively. Show consideration for students, instructors, and other college employees. Participate appropriately and actively on topics presented in class. Complete your assignments on time. Ask for feedback from your instructor and peers to insure progress toward learning objectives. Resolve problems by discussing issues with your instructor and peers. Be prepared. This is not a course in computer programming.
Questions and Discussion What questions do you have about the course or syllabus?