Soft Tissue Injuries & The Healing Process
Stages of Healing Acute - Protection Phase Sub-Acute - Repair Phase Late Stage - Remodeling Phase Chronic Phase - Ongoing Repair & Remodeling
Acute - Protection Phase Acute Phase: From the initial time of injury and while the pain, bleeding and swelling is at its worst till about two to four days post-injury Your body's aim at this point is to protect your injury from further damage. Treatment: PRICE: Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation
Acute - Protection Phase
Sub-Acute - Repair Phase Sub-Acute Phase When the initial acute phase makes a transition to repairing the injured tissues This phase commonly lasts up to six weeks post-injury Body is laying down new soft tissue and reducing the need to protect the injury as the new tissue begins to mature and strengthen. Treatment Options: Heat, massage, electrical stimulation, protective strapping or bracing, joint mobilization, stretching and strengthening exercises
Sub-Acute - Repair Phase
Late Stage - Remodeling Phase Late Phase: The period between six weeks and three months post- injury At six weeks post-soft tissue injury the healing tissue is reasonably mature but as it is stretched, strengthened and stressed the new tissue often finds that it is not strong enough to cope with the increasing physical demand. When the body detects that a repaired structure is still weaker that necessary, it will automatically stimulate additional new tissue to help strengthen and support the healing tissue until it meets the demands of normal exercise or physical function.
Late Stage - Remodeling Phase
Chronic Phase - Ongoing Repair and Remodeling Chronic Phase Beyond three months Refers mainly to pain that lasts more than 3 months Soft tissue is constantly being injured by daily activities and workouts, only to repair and remodel the tissue to meet specific exercise demands.
Chronic Phase - Ongoing Repair and Remodeling
Ice vs. Heat Treatment
Ice Treatment Ice: Typically ice in the first 72 hours after an injury when the tissue is red, hot, and swollen. Goal of Ice Treatment: Reduce bleeding into the tissues. Prevent or reduce swelling (inflammation). Reduce muscle pain and spasm. Reduce pain by numbing the area and by limiting the effects of swelling Ice 15 to 20 minute every 2 to 3 hours
Heat Treatment Heat: Use heat after 72 hours Heat causes the blood vessels to open wide (dilate). Goal of Heat Treatment: Bring more blood into the area to stimulate healing of damaged tissues soothing effect and helps to relieve pain and spasm eases stiffness by making the tissues more supple. Apply heat using a heating pad or a hot wet towel. Heat for 10 to 20 minutes but no more than 20 minutes
Case Study What stage of healing? Ice or Heat?
Case Study What stage of healing? Ice or Heat?
Case Study What stage of healing? Ice or Heat?
Case Study What stage of healing? Ice or Heat?
Case Study What stage of healing? Heat or Ice or neither?
Case Study What stage of healing? Ice or Heat or neither?