Yonas Fessehaye grade level : 9-12
*Arthritis *Calcium deposits
*Poor posture * Loss of range of motion
Health benefits
*Preve nt muscle strain *Prevent Orthopedic problems
* Improve athletic output
F ac t ors of flexibility
genegene s * Flexibility can be passed Down from parents to kids
* Age Kids tend to be more flexible
*Sex Women are more flexible because of * hormonal difference * anatomical difference
*Static stretch Slow stretch
* Ballistic stretch - Stretch by momentum of body - Jerk, bounce, action
* Stretch at least 3 times a week
*Stretch muscle 10% beyond normal length
* Ho ld stre tch longer for in cre ase in flex ibility
* Don’t stretch if you feel pain
Don’t stretch swollen joints
Strategies for action
*Assessment of current status
Select exercises that work a Wide range of muscles
*Record results
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