11/4 to 11/8 WEEK 10
FHS Glöckner In a German sentence, what ALWAYS comes second position? If it is a question, where does the verb move to? Hausaufgaben Translate & answer- Wann ist dein Geburtstag? Learning Objectives Be able to place time in the correct spot in a German sentence Be able to recognize and understand Deutsch units of time Agenda Notes- Time/Geburtstag Start calendar project Test is next week Tuesday.
Time Time can be anywhere in a sentence in German, like English, but usually goes after the VERB SVTMP (Subject, Verb, Time, Manner, Place) IM= In AM= On NACH= After In question form: Was machst du am Wochenende? What do you do on the weekend? Was machst du im Sommer? What do you do in the summer?
In a sentence… Was machst du nach der Schule? What do you do after school? WAYS to say IT Nach der Schule spielen wir Fussball Wir spielen nach der Schule Fussball. *NOTE- verb is ALWAYS second!!
How would you ask/say… What do you do in the summer? What do you do in the winter? What do you do after school? I play piano after school. I swim in the summer. I play volleyball in the winter.
Wann ist dein Geburtstag? When is your birthday? Germans respond: Am (on) Day Month
Wann ist dein Geburtstag? Mein Geburtstag ist am _____________. My birthday is on __________________. Mein Geburtstag ist… am ersten Juli (My b-day is on July 1 st ) am elften Mai. (My b-day is on May 11 th.) am einundzwanzigsten Januar. (My b- day is on January 21 st )
Find your date and write it! 13 th -dreizehnten 14 th - vierzehnten 15 th - fuenfzehnten 16 th - sechszehnten 17 th - siebzehnten 18 th - achtzehnten 19 th - neunzehnten 20 th - zwanzigsten 21 st - einundzwanzigsten 22 nd - zweiundzwanzigst en 23 rd - dreiundzwanzigsten 24 th - vierundzwanzigsten 25 th - fuenfundzwanzigsten 26 th - sechsundzwanzigsten 27 th - siebenundzwanzigsten 28 th - achtundzwanzigsten 29 th - neunundzwanzigsten 30 th - dreizigsten 31 st - einunddreizigsten 1 st - ersten 2 nd - zweiten 3 rd - dritten 4 th - vierten 5 th - fuenften 6 th - sechsten 7 th - siebten 8 th - achten 9 th - neunten 10 th - zehnten 11 th - elften 12 th - zwölften
RMS Glöckner Ask 3 people and write their answers: Wann ist dein Geburtstag? Hausaufgaben What Deutsch months are the following in: Valentines Day Christmas New Years Day 4 th of July 1 st Day of School Learning Objectives Be able to produce and recognize German units of time Agenda Calendar Test is next week Monday
RMS- EARLY DISMISSAL 11:30 Glöckner What Deutsch months are the following in: Thanksgiving Halloween Your b-day Fraus bday Last day of school Hausaufgaben What are some holidays that are different for Germans versus Americans Learning Objectives Be able to produce and recognize German units of time Agenda Calendar Project- make SURE you have pics at the BEGINNING of class tomorrow!
FHS Glöckner What Deutsch months are the following in: Thanksgiving Halloween Your b-day Fraus bday Last day of school Hausaufgaben What are some holidays that are different for Germans versus Americans Learning Objectives Be able to produce and recognize German units of time Agenda Language Lab: 7:30-8:15- Verb Practice, Vocab Practice (EC Competition) Calendar Project- due on Freitag. Test is on Tuesday 11/12!
RMS Glöckner Write Tuesday in German 5 times Write Friday in German 5 times Hausaufgaben Was machst du in deiner Freizeit? Was machst du nicht gern? Learning Objectives Be able to produce and recognize German units of time Agenda Last day for the calendar
RMS Glöckner Say 5 things you like t do. Hausaufgaben Study test review; get a parent signature. Learning Objectives Be able to discuss interests, likes, dislikes, and understand several present tense verbs. Agenda Test review- go over Test is next Monday
FHS Glöckner Write 5 things you like to do. Hausaufgaben Study test review; get a parent signature! Learning Objectives Be able to discuss interests, likes, dislikes, and understand several present tense verbs. Agenda Basketball Test Review- test is next Tuesday!!
Keine Schule Records Day RMS