Skeletal System
Q What is a skeleton? A: All bones in our body are connected to form a skeleton.
Q How do our bones are connected together? A: Tendons join the muscles to the bones at the joints.
Q What are the functions of skeleton? A : 1) It support us 2) It gives us shape. 3) It helps us to move. 4) It protects our organs like brain, heart and lungs.
Q How many bones do we have in our body? A : We have 206 bones in our body.
Q How many bones are there in a new born baby? A : There are about 300 bones in a new born baby.
Q Name some bones in our body. A: Pelvis, humerus, femur, ribs and skull.
Q What is a back bone? A : A back bone is a row of bones that run from skull to the hips is called a back bone.
Q How many bones do we have in backbone? A : We have 33 bones in our backbone.
Q Give other names for backbone. A : Spinal cord and vertebral column are other names for backbone.
Q What are vertebrae? A: The vertebrae (singular vertebra) are bones that make up the vertebral column.
Q What are ribs? A : Our curved chest bones are called ribs.
Q How many bones do we have in our ribs? A : We have 12 pairs of ribs in our chest.
Q What is the function of ribs? A : Ribs protect our heart and lungs.
Q What is sternum? A: Sternum is the breastbone where first seven pairs of ribs joined at front.
Q What is Skull? A: Our head bones are connected together to form a skull.
Q What is the function of skull? A : Our skull protects our brain and eyes.
Q What is the name of our shoulder bone? A: Our shoulder bone is called scapula or shoulder blade.
Q Name the bones in our arm. A: Our upper arm have one bone called humerus and lower arm have two bones called radius and ulna.
Q Name the bone in our leg. A: Our upper leg have one bone called femur and lower leg have two bones called tibia and fibula.
Q What is the name of our hip bone? A: Our hip bone is known as pelvis.
Q What is the function of pelvis? A: Pelvis protect our organs like bladder and uterus.
Q How many bones do we have in our hands and feet? A: Our each hand has 27 bones and each foot has 26 bones.
Q Which is the longest bone in our body? How long is it? A : Femur ( Thigh bone) is the longest bone in our body. It is about 60 cms long in an adult person.
Q What is the name of our knee bone? A: Our knee bone is also known as patella.
Q Which is the shortest bone in our body? How short is it? A : Our smallest bone is in ear called stirrup. It is less than half centimeter long.
Q Which is the last bone in our body to fuse? A : Our collar (neck) bone called clavicle fuses at the age of 20 years.
Q What are exo-skeletons? A: Shells are outer skeleton of animals like crab and snail.
Q What are endo skeleton? A: Animals those have skeletons inside the body like human.
Q What are hydrostatic skeletons? A: Animals such as earth worm and jellyfish have hydrostatic skeletons.
Q How would we look like if we don’t have skeleton? A: We would be like blob, without skeleton.
Q What are the bones made up of? A: Our bones are made from a material containing calcium, phosphorus and collagen. Bones are very strong.
Q What is the inside of a bone called? A: Our bones contain a soft core called bone marrow.
Q What are x-rays? A: X-ray pass through our flesh, but are stopped by our bones. Doctors use x-ray to see if there is any fracture in bones.