Isolation Lock-Out Room Johns River Quarry Site Contact: Blake Ardrey, Quarry Manager, BCM, Johns River Quarry Phone:
Background An Arc Flash is an extremely dangerous electrical explosion resulting in high temperatures and projectile pressure. Commonly the blast involved in these incidents result in serious injury or death. Due to its severity it has been studied extensively across the industry. This has lead to an increase in awareness with a push to protect employees and equipment. Following a review of the site in 2014, Johns River Quarry identified that the current method of isolating by locking out at the circuit breakers was putting employees at risk of a serious arc flash incident.
Concern Personnel were required to enter the switch room and access electrical cabinets to lock out circuit breakers isolation switches. This was not ideal with employees working within close proximity to high voltage electricity. This increasing the potential for an arc flash incident to occur. The mains switch was one area which was in particular very hazardous. It could cause extensive damage to personnel within close proximity if an arc flash was to occur upon reset.
Review of the Issue After much consideration with the involvement of Electrical contractors, Operators and Site Management the following criteria was determined: -A centralised area which is safe and effective for employees to lock out equipment. -Exposure to electrical equipment and the risk of an arc flash is reduced. -A clean and temperature controlled area that consists of items such as locks and tags, insolation advice charts and isolation registers. Increase in the monitoring of who is currently lockout around the plant. -A method of resetting the mains power with out having to approach the mains switch. -A way of ensuring that no one is in front of the mains switch when resetting the main power.. Extensive research was undertaken to find the most appropriate electrical equipment and.
A room which will be situated in close proximity to the fixed plant and act as a central hub for the isolation switches. The isolation room would allow personnel to lock out various plant equipment in the one location: -Personnel would not be required to access any areas containing electrical sources. -This would make it clearer as to what equipment does and does not need to be isolated. -Other personnel who have locked out equipment could be easily identified. -The close proximity to the control room would allow for the insolation to be verified easily by an attempt to start.. Solution – Isolation Lock-Out Room
Further Developments Isolation Advices A Isolation Advice Chart has been displayed on the wall of the room. This helps to identify the equipment which requires isolation when completing a task. The locks of employees and contractors are also stored in the room so that they will be able to isolate correctly and not be required to carry locks around on site with them. An isolation register is also stored in the room so that records of who had locked out what equipment on what day could be recorded. Isolation Advice Chart Isolation Register
Further Developments A motorised remote switch was installed in the lockout room so that the main power could be reset. This switch would mean that personnel would not require access to the switch room and could safely complete the task from the Isolation room. However one issue did arise as a result. There is potential for an arc flash to occur at the main switch when resetting. With the reset switch now in another room it was now uncertain if someone was standing close to the switch in harms way. As the rooms backed on to each other a sealed port hole was installed which allowed visual confirmation that the area was clear and the switch could be reset.
Cost Analysis After the initial set up cost of the building and electrical switches, the solution should be very cost effective to maintain. -The room is sealed and temperature controlled which will protect equipment from dust, water and high temperatures. This should significantly extend the life of the electrical components. -Savings are also made through the reduction of potential electrical injuries. Removing personnel from hazardous scenarios such as arc flash explosions would eliminate the possibility of sustaining injuries or even save someone’s life.
Idea Development The solution was developed in consultation with the Operators, Electrical Contractors and Management at Johns River Quarry. The input of Industry experts in isolation devices and motorised electrical switches with the latest and safest solutions was integral in this project. Due to the fact that this is a new concept there is still room to expand with the design. This room is has ample room which will allow for future additions as the plant expands.
The Benefits Johns River Quarry has seen great benefits since the introduction of the Lock-Out room. Apart from gains in both safety and efficiency, the room has provided a greater peace of mind knowing that site personnel have significantly less exposure to electrical sources and effectively arc flash explosions. The readily available isolation advice chart and isolation register will ensure that isolation is effective and monitored. In regards to the impact of the solution on the overall company that is yet to be seen. This is the first of its kind and has been set up to the best of our knowledge.
Finished Product – Existing MCC locked, Authorised Access
Finished Product – Remote operated Motorised Breakers Before After
Finished Product – Lock out station building
Finished Product – Isolation Lockout Room
® Build something great™ (BCM NSW/ACT Country Quarries – Johns River Quarry) Blake Ardrey March 2015