Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles (IAC) A unique inter-governmental treaty that provides the legal framework for countries in the Americas to take actions in favor of sea turtles Addresses the need to implement harmonized measures among nations, coordinate multilateral conservation and protection actions, and oversee the implementation of a regional agenda for the recovery of the 6 species found in our waters. Objective To promote the protection, conservation and recovery of sea turtle populations and those habitats on which they depend, on the basis of the best available data and taking into consideration the environmental, socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the Parties. These actions cover both nesting beaches and the Parties’ territorial waters.
15 countries are currently parties to IAC
Increased membership Two new members joined the family Chile 2010 Argentina 2011 View 2013: Continue outreach with Dominican Republic and Colombia Two Memorandum of Understanding recently signed Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) Ramsar Convention on Wetlands View for 2013: Activities under MOUs Negotiate MOU with ICCAT and ACAP (Agreement albatross and petrels) Cooperation with Intergovernmental Organizations Activities
Technical Documents and Guides IAC Manual on Management Techniques for Sea Turtle Conservation at Nesting Beaches Eastern Pacific Leatherbacks: conservation status, challenges, opportunities for conservation Conservation status and habitat use of sea turtles in the Eastern Pacific- Collaboration with IATTC –MOU Data collection forms for sea turtle interactions with gillnets Guidelines to design sea turtle action/management plans Documents available on IAC web site: Outreach Celebration of World Sea Turtle Day –June 16 th
Promoting responsible fishing practices among fisherman Training in best practices for safe handling of turtles Raise awareness of the critical situation of the Eastern Pacific Leatherback among countries in their range of distribution: Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Chile. Picture Pro-delphinius Promote data collection of sea turtles interaction with Gillnets Standardized data collection forms to be used by IAC parties to characterize what types of gillnets have the most interactions in order to propose mitigation techniques
Work in partnership with NGO’s /ONGs Partnership with WWF to assist the implementation of the IAC Resolution on the impact of climate change on sea turtles. Members of the IAC Consultative Committee of Experts: Partnerships with Oceanic Society, Sea Turtle Conservancy, Defenders of Wildlife, The Humane Society International, WWF, WIDECAST and more. Consultative Committee IAC Conference of Parties Recommendations
Collaboration with WHMSI Whmsi has been very effective as a multinational forum connecting migratory species stakeholders to promote jointed actions. Whmsi has helped in strengthening cooperation and connections among International Conventions that has lead to signing MOUs enabling us to joint efforts and optimize resources. Whmsi has provided opportunities to establish communication with government officials from IAC non- member countries that has lead to increased interest of new countries to join the Convention. Whmsi can be a very good mechanism to assist countries in fulfilling their obligations and commitments under the international conventions.