Growing Up Fit Together for 3rd grade Lesson 5 Growing Up Fit Together for 3rd grade
Lesson 5 Five N Jive Card The new exercise for Lesson 5 is called “Balancing and Stretching ”. Lift your right leg up and balance on the left foot Now put both feet back on the floor. Now lift your left leg up and balance on the right foot. Now lift your right leg towards your back bending at the knee. Now switch legs and do the same thing. Now finish by giving yourself a big hug.
Our Teeth Our teeth are very important to us. They help us to: SMILE CHEW TALK
Our Teeth We have two sets of teeth. One set is called our baby teeth. We are born with these teeth but they are hiding under our gums. The other set is called our permanent or “forever” teeth which we have with us for the rest of our lifetime if we take care of them.
Baby Teeth Most kids get their first set of teeth around 3 years old. You have 20 baby teeth by the time you are 5 or 6 years old. Baby teeth fall out because they are being pushed out by our permanent teeth which are growing behind them.
Permanent Teeth Our permanent teeth are sometimes called “forever” teeth because you will have them for the rest of your life if you take care of them. You have 28 permanent teeth. You should have all these teeth by the age of 12 or 13 years old. When you are 17 to 21 years old, you will get 4 more teeth that are called “wisdom” teeth. After all of these teeth grow, you will have a set of 32 teeth.
Types of Teeth Do you remember the 3 types of teeth we talked about last year? Let’s review their names and what their jobs are.
Types of Teeth Incisors These are the 4 front teeth at the top and bottom. These teeth help us to bite our food. The teeth that are white in the picture are our incisor teeth.
Types of Teeth Canines These teeth help us to tear or rip our food. The teeth that have arrows pointing to them in the picture are our canine teeth. They are a little bit more sharp than our other teeth.
Types of Teeth Molars These teeth are in the back of our mouth and they help us to chew our food. These teeth are wider and bigger than our other teeth because they are made for chewing.
Brushing Our Teeth Be sure to brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Brush 2 times a day. Brush in the morning and at night. Be sure to brush in little circles. It helps you get all the spots on your teeth. You should clean in between your teeth with dental floss. Be sure to ask you parents to help you the first time.
Brushing Our Teeth Sometimes when you wake up you might feel like you have something on your teeth. This is called plaque. Plaque is a clear film you can’t see that builds up on your teeth and tongue if you don’t take care of them.
How to Relax Sometimes you may get nervous about visiting the dentist or doctor. Today we will learn some things we can do to help us relax. Make your fists into a tight ball and make your arms really stiff. Hold them for 7 seconds and relax. Place you hand on your stomach and take a slow deep breath in and hold it for a couple of seconds and then exhale slowly. Roll your head from side to side and in circle for about 10 seconds and then relax. Sit in your desk or chair and point your toes towards your body for 5 seconds. Then relax. Now point your toes out and away from your body for 5 seconds. Then relax.
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