What is alive?
What do all animals do?
What do all plants do?
Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
All living things… Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
All living things… Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
All living things… Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
All living things… Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
All living things… Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
All living things… Move Reproduce Sense Grow Respire Excrete Nutrition
The balloon moves about, it must be alive. The balloon moves about, it must be alive. It doesn’t need food. It can’t be alive. It is alive. It needs air, and it can grow bigger. What do you think? Write your answer in the box and explain your choice! What do you think? Write your answer in the box and explain your choice!
Some animals breathe, but not the ones that live in water, like fish. All animals breathe. Plants do too. Or they would die. Plants don’t have any lungs. How can they breathe? What do you think? Write your answer in the box and explain your choice! What do you think? Write your answer in the box and explain your choice!
My dad has to keep turning his plants around because they keep growing towards the window Don’t be silly, plants don’t have feelings! Plants don’t have a brain, how can they detect things? What do you think? Write your answer in the box and explain your choice! What do you think? Write your answer in the box and explain your choice! They must do, otherwise how does a seed know which way to grow?
Mrs Gren shows us everything that a living thing does! Movement Respiration Sensitivity Growth Reproduction Excretion Nutrition
Draw a picture of a plant or animal. Around your picture explain how your plant/animal meets the criteria for MRS GREN Over to you!!