Medicines, Chapter 19 Identify the differences between a medicine and a drug: Drug- any substance other than food that changes the way our bodies function; OTC, prescription or illicit drugs Medicine- a type of drug; used to treat/prevent diseases, and infections and to help control with conditions (high blood pressure, ADHD)
Classifications of Medicines List the 4 classifications of Medicines: Meds that help prevent diseases Meds that fight pathogens Meds that help to relieve pain/other symptoms Meds that manage chronic conditions
Ways to take Medicines into the body Injection (needle) Oral (swallowing liquid/pills and dissolving tablets) Topical (applying to the surface of the skin- least effective) Inhaled (asthma, flu mist) Any of these can produce deadly effects- CAUTION!
Side Effects Side effects come in many ‘shapes, sizes and color’- meaning one size doesn’t fit all… They can cause significant/damage and cause death They can be mild (and sometimes not even there!) Common side effects are itchy rashes, swelling in the trachea/bronchial tubes, significant diarrhea/vomiting (dehydration) The FDA requires that ALL side effects produced in trial be listed for the public Even when the medication is used as directed and for the purpose of which it’s intended, side effects can still be present- CAUTION!
Analgesics What are the differences between a narcotic analgesics, and a non- narcotic analgesics? Analgesics are pain relievers, and there are two types: Non-Narcotic Analgesics: OTC, mild pain relievers, non-physically addicting; death caused by overdose; relatively few side effects; non- addicting Ex: Aspirin, Tylenol, Ibuprofen Narcotic Analgesics: heavy duty, addictive pain relievers; they get the job done quickly; highly abused; can cause death if mixed with other substances, or “too much” is taken Ex: Percocet, Vicodin, Oxycontin, Morphine, Codeine
Medicinal interactions Additive interactions: occurs when meds work together in a positive way; outcome is good; they ‘get along’ Synergistic interactions: outcome is quite powerful! This can be good OR bad; these meds boost each other and their strength increases- this can cause death (alcohol and pain killers); HIV cocktail remedy includes several meds that work together to boost the immune cell system- very good outcome! Antagonistic Interactions: one med cancels out the effectiveness of another in the system (birth control hormones are oftentimes canceled out by certain antibiotics)
OTC vs. Prescription Medications Over The Counter meds are mild, fairly inexpensive when compared to prescriptive meds; widely accessible; do not need a doctor’s prescription to access them; oftentimes they act as “bandaids” to many situations; oftentimes they are over used; follow directions and use caution! Prescriptive meds are more dangerous vs. OTC (although OTC’s can cause death too); they are classified as dangerous drugs that need to be monitored by a doctor; they can be easily OD’d and can be highly addictive; much more expensive in some cases. Use cautiously and always follow directions/doctors orders!
Medicine Misuse vs. Abuse Medicine Misuse: using a medicine in ways other than what it is intended to be used for: taking too little/too much of it failing to follow instructions on the package taking the med for longer/shorter than directed to mixing other meds w/o seeking advice from a doctor Medicine Abuse: Intentionally taking medications for non-medical reasons taking non-prescribed meds to lose weight or to stay awake for long periods of time mixing meds/pills to get high taking someone else’s prescription