Fall 2012WBL Pre-employment Skills Interview Preparation How to Read a Map By Bob Uldrich Technology Education & WBL Coordinator Kenmore East High School
Objectives »Identify current location on a map »Identify destination on a map »Determine possible routes between current location and destination »Position map using compass headings
Pre-Test #1 1.What is a map Legend? A.A Diagram identifying symbols on a map B.A map that is black & white C.A device that determines true north D.Someone who has made maps for a long time.
Pre-Test #2 2. What is scale on a map used for? A.It’s the outer skin that protects the map when you are not using it. B.It is used to determine how heavy the map is. C.It is used to show how far distances are in real life. D.It is a device that determines true north
Pre-Test #3 3.What is a map grid? A.The Norse goddess of mapmaking. B.An organized method for determining locations on a map C.The part of the map that shows restaurants. D.A computer program that displays maps.
More Than Meets the Eye »The Legend »The Scale »The Compass »The Index »The Grid
The Legend »Road Markers »Symbols »Rivers and Lakes »Urban Areas »Points of Interest »AKA Map Key
The Scale »Distance »Conversions »Estimations
The Compass »North »South »East »West »Never Eat Shredded Wheat
The Index »Alphabetical »Letters »Numbers »Makes it Easy to find stuff.
The Grid »Use the Index »Find the Corresponding Letters and Numbers »X Marks the Spot »Just like playing Battle Ship!
Technical Mapping Activity »Using MapQuest or Google Maps: Determine the shortest route from your home to 3 potential work places How many miles is each trip? Is the workplace accessible to a Metro Bus or Public Transportation?
Cool Video on Maps
Pre-Test #1 Answer 1.What is a map Legend? A.A Diagram identifying symbols on a map B.A map that is black & white C.A device that determines true north D.Someone who has made maps for a long time.
Pre-Test #2 Answer. What is scale on a map used for? A.It’s the outer skin that protects the map when you are not using it. B.It is used to determine how heavy the map is. C.It is used to show how far distances are in real life. D.It is a device that determines true north
Pre-Test #3 Answer 3.What is a map grid? A.The Norse goddess of mapmaking. B.An organized method for determining locations on a map C.The part of the map that shows restaurants. D.A computer program that displays maps.
Putting It All Together »Obtain a Map from the Teacher »Trace your route using a different color highlighter for the following locations: »Home To Work »Alternate Home to Work »School To Work »Alternate School to Work »Circle Gas stations along the way »Put a Square around possible lunch locations »Estimate the distance of each route