PROJECT OF ENERGY SAVING AND EFFICIENCY IN THE WORKERS TRANSPORT MOBILITY PLAN FOR WORKERS IN EREN BUILDING (León-SPAIN) “ I´m very interested in the future because it is the place where I have to be the rest of my life” Woody Allen INFORMATION FOR VISITORS
Introduction The EREN building is involved in carrying out a Mobility Plan which targets are to reduce energy consumption and pollution of the environment. This initiative is developed with the support of the Energy Saving and Efficiency Strategy for Spain (E4) launched by the central government of Spain. In this way, we want to inform you of this situation, and offer you the information for your movement to the EREN building through different options more efficient and less polluted. We appreciate in advance your collaboration and disposition to contribute with the environmental improvement and the energy savings. The PLAN wants to reach important changes in the modal movements, with a higher participation of the most efficient ways of transport and less use of the private vehicle with one occupant. This will help to reduce the unwanted things such as: traffic jams, high level of energy consumption, atmospheric and acoustic pollution, occupation of urban spaces, etc…
How to arrive EREN building by private vehicle Map 1: Main access by road
How to arrive EREN building by public transport Map 2: Local urban buses LOCAL URBAN BUSES IN THE SURROUNDINGS OF EREN BUILDING. From the website: all the information about buses in León, routes, frequency, general, map etc. can be found.
How to arrive EREN building from public transport Map 3: Intercity bus stops INTERCITY BUSES FOR SUBURBAN AREAS
How to arrive EREN building by public transport Map 4: Distance EREN building-Bus station BUS STATION (LONG-DISTANCES) Bus station information telephone:
How to arrive EREN building from public transport Map 5: Distance EREN building-Railway station (RENFE) TRAIN STATION -RENFE (LONG-DISTANCES) The information telephone : The web page:
How to arrive EREN building from public transport Map 6: Distance EREN building-Train station (FEVE) The information telephone : The web page: TRAIN STATION -FEVE (SHORT-DISTANCES)
How to arrive EREN building by public transport Map 7: The nearest Taxi stops. TAXIS The information and request service telephone :
Where to park in the surroundings of EREN building Map 8: Parking places