Şəki şəhər 5№ li tam orta məktəb Lətifova Nəhayət
Standartlar:1.1.2;2.1.2;3.12 Mövzu:Eurovison 2012
Təlim nəticələri: Dinlədiyi mətndən yeni söz və ifadələri seçir Kiçik həcmli dialoqlarda iştirak edir Mətndəki sözləri düzgün tələffüzlə oxuyur
İş üsulu:Beyin həmləsi,şaxələnmə İş formaları:Qruplarla və cütlərlə iş Dərsin tipi:İnduktiv Resurslar: İş vərəqi,dərslik,marker,kompyuter
Motivasiya: Did you enjoy the music?What is music for you?
Who are they?Do you know them?
Who are they?Do you know them? What other singers do you know from Azerbaijan who performed in Eurovision contest?
Keywords Pop music,jazz music,rock and roll,classic music,national music,song contest,scared,winner,running Let s read the text
Fill in the gaps with these words:favourite,going,are,runing,scared, winners,song,contest,listening Nigar and Eldar are ______of Eurovision Song Contest.They from Azerbaijan.Their song is _________.I like _______to song contests and ______to the pop music.My _______singer is Dima Bilan.Dima Bilan is also Eurovision song contest winner.
a)U.Hajibayov 1)Pop music b)Elvis Presli 2)Jazz music c)Mensum Ibrahimov 3)Rock&roll d)Vaqif Mustafazade 4)Classic music e)Tarkan 5)National music 2.Make up dialogue 3.Match the names with the kind of music
1.Choose the correct word:Music,musical or musician 1.What are your favourite types of music. 2.My brother thinks he’s a good_____,but he’s very bad 3.Can you play a_____instrument? 4.I love different types of______,for example,jazz,rock and classical. 5.Which _______instrument would you like to learn? 6.Are there any _____in your family? 2.Make up dialogue
Write about kind of music Music Ballet Pop music Rock and roll Classic Folk /national jazz Opera
1.Choose the correct answer a,b,c 1.I love a)classic b)classical c)classist music.Beethoven is my favorite 2.My brother a)can’t stand b)can stand c)can’t stay folk music but love it. 3.I have some tickets for a a)concert music b)music concert c)concert at the town hall 4.I always a)listen in b)listen to listen my mp3 player when I’m studying. 5.My sister plays in a a)music band b)band music band with there other girls from her scholl 2.Make up dialogue 3.What do you know Azerbaijan composers