My Favorite Thing About First Grade is… Welcome to first grade! We think you’ll have fun. Here are some of our favorite things about first grade. apple daymaking friends learning about ants studying Australia our first –grade Thanksgiving feast learning about ants three recesses!
My favorite thing about first grade is the art docent that we have. We paint rocks. Because you get to use big and little paintbrushes. And make hermit crabs and starfish, oil pastels and lots of other stuff. By Avery
My favorite thing about first grade is Mrs. Noonan. Because she teaches us lots of things. And she is really nice. She is really nice because she teaches us a lot of stuff. I love Mrs. Noonan. By Ashah
My favorite thing about first grade is writing because you get to write true stories. Not fake stories. Real stories that happened. By Colter
My favorite thing about first grade is we do math. We do it every day. We do it at 10:45 right after first recess. We learn with money and symmetry. By Jacob
My favorite thing about first grade is writing in my writing folder. Because I like to finish a story. And write something new. It is fun starting something new. It is very exciting. I love writing! By Kaitlin
My favorite thing about first grade is field trips. Two field trips. You get to go to a play and Seahurst Park. We are going to look at the tide pools. By Sara
My favorite thing about first grade is MATH! Because you can do math games like, let’s say… the number- grid game. All you need is: a partner, two things that can slide, and a number grid. By Kekoa
The best part of first grade is there is a rrrreally nice teacher. Because she reads to us. She is very smart. Her name is Mrs. Noonan. She is the best first grade teacher! By Zachary
My favorite thing about first grade is reading. I like reading because it is quiet. And the teachers make it fun. You can pick your own book. We do Walk to Reading. Walk to Reading is.. you go to a different teacher. We do it for about 8 weeks. On Friday we do not switch reading. Reading is fun! By Korin