Safety and Quality Collaborative CHAT Asthma Collaborative Maintenance of Certification (MOC)
Requires pediatricians to demonstrate competence in systematic measurement and improvement in patient care Physicians who participate in ABP-developed Performance in Practice QI projects may receive continuing medical education (CME) credit Performance in Practice (Part 4) of Maintenance of Certification
Active Role Provide direct or consultative care to patients Implement the project’s interventions Collect, submit and review data Collaborate actively (at least 4 meetings) MOC’s Meaningful Participation
Physicians are expected to: Engage in the CHAT intervention bundle activities as selected by the participating institution Participate in trainings and feedback sessions (at least four meetings), these may include, but not limited to: Provide proof of QI training Attend the education session Review team data Systematically work with fellow project members to identify opportunities for improvement, and offer suggestions for adapting existing protocols to address variations observed across service lines MOC’s Meaningful Participation Cont.
Bullet points to be tailored by each site champion to include activities selected for the intervention bundle Institution Specific Activities
Length of Participation Project leader defines based on project design Typically 9-12 months Physicians are expected to be actively involved in this QI project For a minimum of 9 months retroactive to the first learning session Complete activities by early October 2014 to qualify for December 2014 credit award Upon completion of MOC requirements Physicians are expected to continue to participate in team meetings and celebrate the success of building a culture of quality and safety as outlined in the teams interventions MOC’s Meaningful Participation Cont.
Local Leader Designated physician at each of the CHAT institutions Signs off on pediatrician attestations Project Leader Dr. Macias (TCH) Signs off on the application Oversees project implementation Signs off on pediatricians’ attestations Submits the project’s progress report to ABP MOC’s
Expected enrollment - Summer 2014 Expected credits award - End 2014 MOC’s
Questions MOC’s