M c C r e a r y C e n t r a l
Agenda 3. I n t e r n e t S a f e t y 2. A n t i - b u l l y i n g 1. D i s c i p l i n e P o l i c y R e v i e w
Information…. Mailed Home with Registration Packets Distributed at Registration Discussed at Freshmen Orientation On-line Handout today
Our responsibility…. Safety Education (Personnel, Resources, Support) Support
Your responsibility…. Follow rules Education (Attendance & Class Work) Report
D r e s s C o d e & P i e r c i n g s A t t e n d a n c e & T a r d i e s
This slide contains a video animation. Play the slideshow to see the animation.
C e l l P h o n e s & E l e c t r o n i c D e v i c e s P D A
D r i v i n g & Y o u r P a r k i n g P a s s P r o m & T r i p P o l i c i e s
H a r a s s m e n t, B u l l y i n g & F i g h t i n g
A n d b y t h e w a y …. N o p e t s, a n i m a l s, f r i e n d s, o r v i s i t o r s.
Random Drug Screening for Extra & Co-curricular Activities Reasonable Suspicion Tobacco Use Controlled Substances
Agenda 3. I n t e r n e t S a f e t y 2. A n t i - b u l l y i n g 1. D i s c i p l i n e P o l i c y R e v i e w
National Crime Prevention Council16 Bullying is… An imbalance of power Repeated and systematic harassment and attacks on others Perpetrated by individuals or groups Source: Health Resources and Services Administration National Bullying Campaign, 2004
National Crime Prevention Council17 Bullying Can Take Many Forms Physical violence Verbal taunts, name-calling, and put-downs Threats and intimidation Extortion or stealing money and/or possessions Spreading rumors Harassment via technology ( , text messaging, etc.) Source: London Family Court Clinic, London, Ontario, Canada
National Crime Prevention Council18 Cyberbullying is harassment and bullying that takes place online or through other mobile devices Example include Spreading rumors about someone through instant messaging Threatening someone on a web log (blog) Creating hurtful websites against someone
National Crime Prevention Council19 Cyberbullying A Recent Survey of Teens Revealed Cyberbullying was experienced at least one time by 43% of teens, aged 13 to 17. Teens report that in 77% of the cases the cyberbully is someone they know. Girls claim to have been cyberbullied more than boys – 51% to 37%. NCPC Cyberbullying Research Report, 2006
National Crime Prevention Council20 Demographic Characteristics Children who bully Can come from any economic, cultural, or religious background Are often in late elementary or middle school
National Crime Prevention Council21 Children Who Witness Bullying When peers intervene, bullying stops within 10 seconds, 57% of the time. Source: Hawkins, Pepler, and Craig, 2001
National Crime Prevention Council22 Children Who Witness Bullying Officer Neal, Mrs. Privett, Mr. Kenney, Counselor, Teacher. Save Evidence. Share with Parents.
Agenda 3. I n t e r n e t S a f e t y 2. A n t i - b u l l y i n g 1. D i s c i p l i n e P o l i c y R e v i e w
Information…. Netsmartz Passwords Identity Social Media Postings Texting Pics & Sexting
Broken Friendship
Julie’s Journey
Tracking Teresa
You can’t take it back….
Your photo fate…
New for this year Student Nights Ticket Prices $5.00 at gate $1.00 advance at school Free tickets for each event Graduation, Prom, Parking Attendance Incentives
Looking Ahead STEM Program Expanded Dual Credit Options