High School Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training “HiGETT” Date: April 4-5, 2011 Location: NASA GSFC NATIONAL MEETING
They bring: a systems approach to problem solving expertise in dealing with software expertise in teaching technology existing computer labs professional networks for dissemination Geography/GIS educators make excellent partners for NASA E/PO
Location - Where is it? Condition - How is it? Routing - What is the best way? NASA Remote Sensing Shares with Geography
Trend - what has changed over time? Patterns – in space & time NASA Remote Sensing Shares with Geography
Geospatial Technology Examples Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, global positioning systems (GPS), aerial photography
Building upon success Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training Professional develop- ment for community college GIS instructors “iGETT”
iGETT Measurable Outcomes Institutes: Faculty Learning remote sensing and Landsat use –Adding topics or developing new courses/programs All summer institute resources – Agendas, Training PPTs and exercises, videos, Webinars Learning Unit Exercises: 35 publicly available, each with -- Instructor Guide Student Guide – Step by step Curriculum Support Documents All Data Needed for Exercises And a new community Sample Handout for an iGETT Learning Unit Exercise
Supported by NSF grant DUE Robert Lord, Niagara County Community College, was the author of this Learning Unit. He died suddenly on August 30, 2008 and is sadly missed by his iGETT colleagues. The Potential for Greenway Development along the Niagara Escarpment Topic: Environmental Sciences Problem Statement: Open space in the form of a greenway can provide wildlife habitat and recreation opportunities that help support economic development. How can Landsat imagery support the connection of two existing greenways along the Niagara Escarpment? Level: Intermediate Software: ArcGIS, Spatial and 3D Analyst, ENVI Description: This land use exercise uses Landsat imagery to determine the extent of mixed forest and other land covers between the greenway of the Niagara Gorge, and the greenway of the Genesee Valley near Rochester. Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) determine the location and extent of the escarpment between the two existing greenways. Key words: Niagara Escarpment, geology, scarp and dip slopes. Mixed forest, greenway, land use, land cover, digital elevation model, digital raster graphic.
Including tutorials on the physics of light and its interactions with targets of interest; how Landsat sensors work All Training Resources
HiGETT Focus Question: What are most effective means of bringing geospatial technology to high school age youth? Educators – formal & informal Educators – other (AAG, ASPRS, NGS, IAGT, ESRI) Foundations (NSF, USGIF) Government agencies (DoL, NASA, USGS) Business and industry (Google, MDA Federal) Professional associations (AAG, ALA, ASRPS, NCGE…) Invitees:
HiGETT Objectives At the meeting: 1. To identify a set of best practices of on-going high school-level geospatial technology education programs 2. To produce a set of group recommendations for effective mans of bringing geospatial education and training to high school age youth After the meeting: 3. To write a report that conveys the richness of the discussion, details of the issues involved, and participants’ shared recommendations on best means of moving forward 4. To disseminate the report nationally at conferences (National Science Teachers Association, American Geophysical Union; ESRI, Association of American Geographers) and on Web sites (National Geospatial Technology Center; National Council for Geographic Education; NASA Landsat)
Jeannie Allen HiGETT will emphasize relationships between -- programs serving high school age youth community colleges four-year schools for people to workforce HiGETT Results Report on the process and a set of group recommendations for how to most effective means of bringing geospatial technology to high school age youth What issues do you want discussed?