Perception and Communication Cory Harms, Iowa State University
Perception and Communication Perception – “the active process of assessing information in your surroundings” 1 Communication – “the act or process of using words, sounds, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else” 2 1. Dr. Lee MCGaan 2.
Perception and Communication Factors that can affect perception Physiology Past experiences/biases Culture Training/Background Present Feelings Anything else?
Perception Test
Perception and Communication Why is this relevant to Purchasing? How we are perceived on campus or by vendors can make a big difference. Good communication with vendors/clients is becoming more important and affects their perception of us. Miscommunication and misperception can have unwanted results. Communication has moved to less personal forms ( s, Facebook, Twitter, Text) that can be misinterpreted (perceived incorrectly). How do we get through all of the perception factors to get our ideas across!
Perception and Communication Areas of Discussion How do we change the perception of Purchasing on campus How do we affect how we are perceived by vendors How do we more effectively communicate with clients and vendors What forms of communication should we be using and when Importance of staff communication
How do we change the perception of Purchasing on campus It’s all in a name (maybe) Buyer versus agent versus contracting officer? Purchasing versus Procurement versus Business Services? Purchasing Manager versus Director versus Chief Procurement Officer We need to be aware of how we present ourselves Jeans versus business casual versus business wear? What technology tools are we using? How do we connect with campus
Which me do you take more seriously?
How do we change the perception of Purchasing on campus We should strive for recognition AEP award, NAEP awards, NIGP awards, campus awards, etc. We should have a brand Strive to be service of choice Seen as strategic versus transactional We should be faculty and department friendly Build relationships with departments and faculty Faculty meetings, orientations, etc. We should be consistent in communication, decisions, service
How do we affect how we are perceived by vendors Names and titles again? How we present ourselves is still important Professional documents/meetings Professional documents/meetings Website Website Processes
Need a Volunteer
Look at the chart below and say the COLOR of the word, not the word itself.
How do we more effectively communicate with clients and vendors Departmental Website s s Bids, Contracts, Amendments Phone Meetings, Visits Training/Orientation Focus Groups Surveys Others?
What forms of communication should we be using and when Face to Face 93% non-verbal (55% body, 38% tone, 7% words) or 60% facial/40% vocal 1 Telephone/Teleconference 60 billion s per day in the world 2 99% of written communication now 2 Companies like Intel have instituted no Fridays 2 Webinars/Web Meetings Focus Groups 1 Psychology Today 9/30/ Organizational Behavior, v. 1.0 by Talya Bauer and Berrin Erdogan
Communication Exercise
I took my dog for a walk today and then I gave him some food
Verbal versus Written Example I did not tell John you were late I did not tell John you were late. I did not tell John you were late I did not tell John you were late.
How can we improve our verbal communication Be prepared Think before you speak Be receptive to new ideas Ask Questions Listen more than you speak Use eye contact Repeat what you heard to clarify What forms of communication should we be using and when
Communications Exercise
Importance of staff communication Staff Meetings Training One on ones Don’t hide good or bad news Don’t keep things secret
Summary Perception can be affected by many factors Perception of Purchasing is important We need to effectively communicate with clients and vendors Staff communication should be consistent and ongoing