Celebrating Our Nation Seeking God’s Blessings Sunday July 4, 2010 Micah 8:6
Celebrating Our Nation One Nation
Celebrating Our Nation One Nation Under God
Celebrating Our Nation One Nation Under God Today we seek God’s Blessings Upon Our Nation
The Kingdom of God The Dynasty of King David BC The Byzantine Empire AD The Holy Roman Empire AD The Modern Nation of Israel AD 1948
What Is The Kingdom of God? No nation can claim to be God’s Kingdom on earth. Jesus says: Jesus says: “The Kingdom of heaven is within you.” God the Holy Spirit rules the hearts and lives of the men and women who believe in Jesus as their Savior. God the Holy Spirit rules the hearts and lives of the men and women who believe in Jesus as their Savior. We are God’s Kingdom on earth! We are God’s Kingdom on earth!
God’s Kingdom of Power Governments serve God as his Kingdom of Power Through governments, God’s justice is administered and order is maintained Through governments, God’s justice is administered and order is maintained Governmental leaders, even those who are not Christian, serve God by executing his divine will of right and wrong. Governmental leaders, even those who are not Christian, serve God by executing his divine will of right and wrong. Civil “right and wrong” is derived by “right reason” as influenced by the human conscience and God’s command Civil “right and wrong” is derived by “right reason” as influenced by the human conscience and God’s command
God’s Kingdom of Grace The “Kingdom of God” is in God’s Kingdom of Grace God’s grace is shown in the Church God’s grace is shown in the Church People are saved and their lives changed by God’s grace People are saved and their lives changed by God’s grace The Kingdom of God exists wherever the Word of God is preached and believing souls are saved The Kingdom of God exists wherever the Word of God is preached and believing souls are saved
How Do We Seek God’s Blessings Upon Our Land? Micah 8:6 “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
What Does the Lord Require? Act Justly As citizens we must insist on just laws As citizens we must insist on just laws As a nation we must protect the lives and property of all As a nation we must protect the lives and property of all As a people we must respect all people As a people we must respect all people
What Does the Lord Require? Love Mercy Justice must always be tempered with mercy Justice must always be tempered with mercy Mercy is treating people not as they deserve, but as we would want to be treated Mercy is treating people not as they deserve, but as we would want to be treated Mercy is treating people as God has treated us Mercy is treating people as God has treated us
Walk Humbly With Your God Our relationship with God is one of grace We are saved by Jesus’ sacrifice We are saved by Jesus’ sacrifice We accept that relationship by faith We accept that relationship by faith We accept his leadership of our lives We accept his leadership of our lives We respect his rules for living We respect his rules for living
We Implore God’s Blessing upon our Nation
How Do We Implore God’s Blessings Upon Our Land? What does the Lord require of you? To act justly To love mercy To walk humbly with your God. Micah 8:6