Healthy Meals for Vegetarians 9.NPA.2.1 Plan vegetarian diets that are balanced and nutrient-dense.
Different Kinds Of Vegetarians If were a guest at a Vegan’s home, what would the menu be missing? Will Not EatWill Eat
Lacto-Vegetarians: If you were a guest at a Lacto-Vegetarians home, what would the menu look like? Will NOT eatWill Eat
Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians Will Not EatWill Eat Most Common Type If you were a guest at a Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian’s home, what would the menu look like?
Semi-Vegetarian: If were a guest at a Semi-Vegetarian’s home, what would the menu look like? Will Not EatWill Eat
Why Vegetarian? Health reasons Maintaining a Healthy Weight Fruits and Vegetables Additives Fiber Moral Objections Religious beliefs
Common Challenges for Vegetarians Lack of variety Sufficient nutrients Protein Calcium Iron B12 Eating Out
What Foods Can Vegetarians Eat? In your group: 1.Use your notes and What Foods can Vegetarians Eat? to correctly match each food group with the type of Vegetarian that will eat each given food choice. 2.Your group will have 5 minutes to complete the assignment. 3.At the end of 5 minutes we will join back together and discuss your answers.
And the correct answer is… VeganLacto- Vegetarian Lacto-Ovo- Vegetarian Semi- Vegetarian Soy products Tofu Tempeh All fruits All vegetables Legumes Rice Cereal Bread made without eggs or milk Soy products Tofu Tempeh All fruits All vegetables Legumes Rice Cereal Milk and milk products Bread Soy products Tofu Tempeh All fruits All vegetables Legumes Rice Cereal Milk and milk products Bread Eggs Soy products Tofu Tempeh All fruits All vegetables Legumes Rice Cereal Milk and milk products Bread Eggs Chicken Turkey Fish
Vegetarian Food Guide Pyramid Remember the amount of food you eat should be based on personal activity level and age so choose within the range.
Group Activity A: Using the blank Menu file: 1. Create a restaurant name and fill in information on side 1 of your menu. 2. Using the category titles assigned on side 2 create a menu that meets the guidelines discussed in class for your assigned vegetarian type. Note: Feel free to be creative and add artwork ONLY if you have time remaining after creating your menu. Refer to the rubric for grading requirements.
Group Activity B: Using the Meal Planning Sheet each group will create a vegetarian eating plan for two days for one of the following: vegan semi-vegetarian lacto-ovo-vegetarian lacto-vegetarian