Basic Stage Directions Stage directions apply to the actor as he/she faces the audience Stage Right -R- the actor’s right Stage Left –L- the actor’s left Downstage -D- nearest the audience Upstage -U- away from the audience C – Centre Stage
Other Stage Vocabulary Onstage – the acting area within the set, visible to the audience Offstage – the parts of the stage not enclosed by the setting I’m Onstage I’m Offstage!
Other Stage Vocabulary Backstage – the area behind the setting Wings – the offstage areas to the left and right of the acting area House – the auditorium where the audience sits (also called ‘outfront’) Backstage! Wing (offstage) Wing (offstage) The house
Steps in analyzing scripts for set design STEP 1: Read the script as an audience member. Read for fun and to understand the characters Understand the overall plot
Step 2: Read as a director Identify the mood and theme of the scene Identify major conflicts-how will actors need to be moving around?
Step 3: Read as a designer Make a list of anything visual that characters mention-example “that’s a photo of my grandmother” “the roses are lovely this time of the year” Make a list of potential props that need to be used Make a list of all of the furniture that would make sense in the piece Think of what color schemes and detail levels are necessary to achieve the desired mood
S-P-O-T S-Setting-city, farm, apartment, park P-Plot-who are your characters? What conflicts are occurring? O-Occasion-A party, a funeral, a break up T-Time Period-Time period impacts the colors, textures and props that will be used
Setting What is the location of the scene? What time of day is it? What sources of light are there?
Plot What mood does this scene create? What characters are in the scene? What conflict takes place? What PROPS are explicitly mentioned in the script (where did you get that vase? That’s a picture of my grandmother. Etc.) What are your character’s personality? Is your scene in a location where their personality needs to be reflected?
Occasion What props are necessary for this specific occasion to make sense? (wine glasses for a dinner party, a record player for hanging out) How will your lighting help to create this occasion? Where do your set pieces need to be for the occasion to occur? (a party scene needs to have a cleared space in the middle for people to dance)
Time Period What research do you need to do to accurately convey this time period? What colors, textures and props would be common in this time period?
Jude: Well, I got a job. You know, as in, "We'll pay you to do it." I thought you'd be pleased. It's a logo for Sadie's record company. It's a strawberry. You know, red, juicy, gorgeous. Yeah, get it? No? Lucy: We're in the middle of a revolution. What are you doing, doodles and cartoons? I didn't mean it like that. Jude: No? Well, what did you mean? Sorry I'm not the man with the megaphone, this is what I do. Lucy: You could at least hear what he has to say. I suppose you don't, because you're never gonna be drafted. Jude: Nor will you, Lucy.
S-Indoors, kitchen, lighting from lamps and overhead lighting P-Characters=Jude and Lucy Jude and Lucy are having an argument Mood=hopeless, reflective, aggressive Props-Jude would have a sketch book and pencils, a copy of the album cover, some plates and cups in the kitchen, dirty dishes in the sink O-An argument T-The 1960s-Color scheme would be yellows, oranges, greens, textures would be floral and geometric patterns
FEZZIWIG: Yo ho, my boys! No more work tonight. Christmas Eve, Richard! Christmas, Ebenezer! Let‟s have the shutters up before a man can say Jack Robinson! (The music continues. Chandeliers are pulled into position, and mistletoe, holly, and ivy are draped over everything by bustling servants. Dancers fill the stage fro Fezziwig’s wonderful Christmas party. In the midst of the dancing and the gaiety servants pass back and forth through the crowd with huge platters of food. At a pause in the music, young Ebenezer, who is dancing, calls out.)
Set Design Step 1-FLOOR PLAN Definition: a scale diagram of the arrangement of rooms in one story of a building. Ask yourself… What space is needed for this scene’s actions to happen? What furniture will I need and where will it go? What do I want to be the focus of this space? In turn, how large would I want my other set pieces?
Steel Magnolias Floor Plan
Steel Magnolias Set