Open House 5 th Grade WE COULD ALL MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIFE OF A CHILD Good evening, I am Mrs. Sanguily
The goals for our open house are... oTo help parents understand the work your child will be doing throughout the school year. oTo explain my expectations of your child. oTo share information about how you, as parents, can support your child’s learning. oParents are allowed in the school Monday and Tuesday. Welcome Parents …
Art - Ms. A Rodriguez Welcome to the school year! A Welcome Packet with specific art supplies by grade, classroom rules and expectations, art projects and home learning will be sent home the first week of school. Supply list for all students to be kept in the art room listed below: -1 Ziploc Big Bag (2’ x 2.7”) *can reuse bags from previous years -Baby wipes -Tissues -Watercolors -Crayola Oil Pastels All information related to Art will be posted and up to date on my DAC webpage. For any questions or concerns please feel free to me at:
Classroom Discipline Plan REWARDS oVerbal Praise oWritten Praise oSpecial Activities CONSEQUENCES oVerbal Warning oLoss of Special Privileges oPhone call or letter home oDetention
Florida Standards Assessment oStudents will be assessed in - oReading (Computer-based Testing) oMath (Computer-based Testing) oWriting oScience (FCAT 2.0) oTesting will take place between March – May Please plan to attend a Parent Night to discuss more information regarding our Florida Assessments.
Home Learning Policy oHome learning will be posted on the school website and students are responsible for writing it in their agendas every day. oAny graded assignments that is handed in late will be penalized for 20% for every day that it is late. oAfter 3 missing home learning assignments they will receive a detention and after 3 detentions a Principal’s referral will be issued. oAlthough Home Learning will be posted on the website, please refer to your child’s agenda in case of any changes.
Volunteer Hours oEvery family is responsible for completing 30 volunteer hours oYou may donate materials that are on our wish list. oYou may come in on special events and volunteer your time. oYou will receive 15 hours if your child is in morning care and 15 hours if they are in aftercare. oIf hours are not complete, you risk being placed on the waiting list for the following year.
Online Store 1. Log on to our school website and select school (DAC or JAM) 2. On the HOME PAGE, click on the tab STORE 3. In the ONLINE STORE WEBSITE select a school (DAC or JAM). 4. After selecting the school, you will see all options available (Agenda, Jean Day, Field Trips …). 5. After selecting the item/event, click ADD items to CART. 6. Then LOGIN or CREATE a NEW ACCOUNT. 7. After logging in you can see the items in your cart and proceed with the purchase (here you MUST SELECT A STUDENT) 8. If creating a new account, go to “items in your cart” and proceed with the purchase, but you will be prompted to add a student profile (FULL NAME & STUDENT ID).Every item/event purchased must be linked to a student (Parents can have one account with more than one student profile.) *** The Online Store will NOT store your credit card information for security purposes.***
Online Store Mrs. Campos will be available Monday and Tuesday Folder$2.50 Agenda$10.00 Friday Shirts$13.00 Jean Day (Aug – Dec) $17.00 Lunch$3.25 Lunch Free/Reduced$0.40 Breakfast$2.25 Breakfast Free / Reduced$0.30
Uniform Policy Students out of uniform will be sent home and it will be considered an unexcused absence. If a student continues to be out of compliance with the uniform policy, a referral will be issued. o Shirts should be tucked in o Black shoes or sneakers o Belts should be worn o On cooler days, blue or red plain sweat shirts or jackets should be worn
Uniform Policy o On jean day, appropriate blue jeans should be worn (no capris, shorts, painted or ripped jeans) and $1.00 for our ongoing fundraiser should accompany the child. (Remember to pay for quarter at the online store.) All uniforms must be purchased at “ALL UNIFORMS” only and must be embroidered with school logo!
Arrival o Classes begin at 8:30 am. o 5th grade students must enter through the lobby or through the double doors near C.A.U. o Please be aware that for every 10 tardies your child will receive a referral. o All tardies will be unexcused. o After receiving 3 referrals, your child will be placed on the waiting list.
Tardies After 5 tardies parents will receive a phone call or . After 7 tardies a letter will be sent home. After 10 tardies a students will receive a referral. Absences Please send a back-to-school note for the reason of the absence. After 3 unexcused absences parents will receive a phone call or . After 5 unexcused absences students will receive a referral.
Dismissal When picking up your child, please make sure that you have the Doral Academy decal on your car visor with your child’s name and teacher’s name. A person under the age of 18 will not be allowed to pick up your child. Please make sure that children are not put in danger during pick up by having them cross 97 th Ave. Students must be picked up by 3:15 PM. After 3:15 PM, you will charged $1.00 per minute by Leap Services.
School Policies It is imperative that we teach our students to be responsible. Please be aware that if a parent brings an item to school, classes will not be interrupted. Lunch boxes will be taken to the cafeteria and left unsupervised.
Parking Parents are not allowed to park in the staff parking or drive through area! If you need to get off at the school, please park in the Carlos Albizu Parking lot were there are plenty of spaces available.
Birthdays ALL birthday celebrations are to take place in the cafeteria. Parents can provide cupcakes & juice only at lunch time. (Store bought cupcakes are preferred due to allergies.)
Communication oI am always available to discuss any concerns that you may have. oCall the school and leave a message (305) oSend a letter with your child o oI will respond within 24 hours
School Website
In the intermediate grades, we focus on preparing the student for Middle School. We promote and encourage independence. Please help your children be responsible.
For coming to Open House!