1960s: a Time of Great Change in Quebec
Quebec American influence through mass-media… changes values. Many call for change from the conservatism of Maurice Duplessis – Duplessis dies – LIBERALS (Jean Lesage) voted in CHANGE in society, government, etc…
Government Changes under Liberals Quebec Government becomes interventionist. Welfare State – looks after those in need. Government takes over Health, Education, and Social programs. Secularized society – reduced religious influence.
Government nationalizes certain industries – ie: State takes ownership. Creates Crown Corporations – businesses owned by government (ex: Hydro Quebec).
Changes in Education DEMOCRATIZES education. Catholic Church no longer in charge. “Great Charter of Education” (1961) –School mandatory until age 15 –Education is FREE “Parent Report” (1963) recommends reforms.
1964 – Ministry of Education founded – CEGEP is created 1968 – Université de Québec offers higher education of different regions of Quebec.
Question: Is Religion Still Important in Quebec? Why or why not?
Changes in Quebec Society Religion Secularization makes the Church less influential in society. Attendance at masses in Montreal drops from 61% to 30% between Change in attitudes. –More Divorce –Fewer Marriages
Question: Do women have the same rights and opportunities as men?
Feminism and Women’s Rights In the 1960s, Feminists demand better rights… equal status. –Women become more educated –Increased numbers in the work-force. Contraceptive Pill gives women the choice to have children = smaller families.
Unions More workers in public sector join unions. Many demonstrations. Union Movement becomes powerful in Quebec Labour Code allows government workers to strike.