The Principles of Fitness Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. John F. Kennedy
How Do You Know if You are Fit? What is your current level of fitness? How do you compare to national standards? Where do you start? What are your goals?
Health and Fitness Health – a state of complete physical, mental/emotional and social well- being. Not merely and absence of illness or disease. Should be considered a “way of life” not a destination. Fitness – attributes that people have or achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity. To be able to respond in an emergency to save a life or maybe even your own To carry out daily tasks without fatigue
Health Related Components of Fitness Cardiovascular Endurance Muscular Strength Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition
Cardiovascular Endurance The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel and oxygen during sustained physical activity. What activities will develop cardiovascular endurance? Stay moving for at least 30 minutes to reap benefits. Use large muscle groups to encourage increase in heart rate. Work within 60-85% of target heart rate. Activities that will promote CVE: jump rope, swimming, jogging, running, walking at a brisk pace, elliptical, etc.
Muscular Strength What activities will develop muscular strength? The max amount of force a muscle can apply in one contraction What activities will develop muscular strength? Think of activities that are performed with resistance. Challenging the muscle to contract against a force. More weight or resistance and less repetitions. Types of activities that increase muscular strength: bench press, push-ups, squats, lunges, etc. Increase in resistance = Increase in strength
Muscular Endurance What activities will develop muscular endurance? The ability of muscles to contract over an extended period of time without fatigue What activities will develop muscular endurance? Sit –ups Squats Pull-ups Lunges Push-ups Bench Press Light weight more repetitions Increased repetitions = Increased Endurance
Increased Flexibility = Decreased Risk of Injury The ability of the body parts to move in full range of motion around a joint. What activities will develop flexibility? Stretch before and after exercise session Hamstring stretch Arm Circles Quadriceps stretch Calf raises Leg Lifts Superman Stretch Increased Flexibility = Decreased Risk of Injury
Body Composition What activities will improve body composition? The ratio of lean body mass (muscle, bone, internal organs) compared to fat mass. What activities will improve body composition? Balanced Diet Healthy Nutrition Plan Understanding Energy Balance Energy In = Energy Out Physical Activity 30-60 minutes a Day Stay Active!
Athletic Related Fitness Components
F.I.T.T. Principle What do you need to know to design a fitness program? Frequency Intensity Time Type
Frequency – How often? It is recommended that you exercise at least: 2 times a week to maintain your current fitness level 3 times a week to improve your current fitness level 4 times a week for gains in a particular area 5 times a week for weight loss or specific training goals
Intensity– How hard? How do you measure your intensity? Target heart rate – 60-85% of heart rate max (220-your age x .60 and .85 Heart rate monitors Talk test – can you comfortably talk? Perceived Exertion Scale - 1-10, you train at a “7”
Time – How long? What is you objective for exercising? Minimum Fitness – 15 minutes of cardio General Fitness – 30 minutes of cardio/weight training Specific Training – 45 minutes for weight loss or specific event.
Type – What do you like to do? Do what you want to do…for example: If you like outdoors – hiking, walking, biking, golf, etc. If you like to exercise with others – activity classes, group exercise If you like water – swimming, water jogging, etc. If you like low key – walking