A Paramedics Perspective of a Maturing Trauma System Lee Thompson.
A Maturing Trauma System Aim: To give a personal perspective of pre- hospital trauma within the (Maturing) Northern Trauma Network.
A Maturing Trauma System
A Maturing Trauma System
A Maturing Trauma System Statistics:
A Maturing Trauma System
Haemorrhage Management:
A Maturing Trauma System Lessons learned: Haemorrhage is like CPR? GOOD QUALITY BYSTANDER COMPRESSIONS......!
A Maturing Trauma System BYSTANDER HAEMORRHAGE COMPRESSION: REALLY? Fire and Rescue Services Police St John Ambulance and Voluntary sector First responders Joe Public???? Mountain Rescue
A Maturing Trauma System Do nothing: Injection of diesel.
A Maturing Trauma System
Alternative Kit: ITClamp. Quick, labour saving. Wound visible. Neck/Scalp/Junctional. Additional tool in the box.
A Maturing Trauma System Difficult Areas:
A Maturing Trauma System Reduce the use of Collars and increase Pelvic Splinting:
A Maturing Trauma System
Pre-Hospital Trauma Innovation
A Maturing Trauma System What are we measuring? ISS >15 Not Triage +‘ve Elderly with low MoI
A Maturing Trauma System Critical Care Paramedics: Combined role co-located at MTC’s/TU’s. Thorocostomies. Pacing and cardio-version. Analgesia and sedation. Regular exposure. Point of care U/S, Bloods etc.
A Maturing Trauma System RESEARCH!
Pre-Hospital Trauma Innovation
A Maturing Trauma System
Traumatic Cardiac Arrest:
A Maturing Trauma System Looking forward: ITClamp service wide evaluation. Blood products. REBOA. Haemostatic agents. Long term audit, evaluation & research.
A Maturing Trauma System Looking forward: Public awareness. Commissioning. Dead Drunk. Biker Down. Work based medical teams, Private companies, social/sports groups (triathlon clubs).
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