Aviation Week Executive Summit Workforce Study Launched in 1996 Expanded in 2001 to partner with AIA Expanded in 2004 to partner with AIA, NDIA, AIAA
A&D Employment Dept of Labor Stat/AIA
Age Distribution Retirement Rates
Significant Data Engineering Open Requisitions % Hiring Off Campuses Retirement Rate 20098, %2.06% ,819NA5.7%
Retirements - More
Critical Talent Demands Systems Engineering (2,511) Software Engineering (1,755) Mechanical (1,011) Electrical (867) Aero (333)
Voluntary Attrition Continues to climb among Yps Climbing among hourly workforce/highly skilled craftsmen Hiring and lower attrition at mid-career have smoothed the gap
Compensation Pay increases 2009 averaged 2.03%, down from 4.32% Promotions being used by smaller companies to retain; promotion rates remain stable but not growing
Other factoids If everyone strives to hire those with 3.5 GPA, can’t meet hiring needs (bell curve of graduating class indicates ~ 7,000 of TOTAL grads hit that number – Grad school – Finance – Consulting – A&D
Other factoids Retirement seen as “big company/agency” issue Diversity
Young Professionals
Career Intent
They are looking!
If Compensation is Equal… Benefits Technological/intellectual challenge Ability to advance Be part of solving a major problem Career counseling/coaching/internal courses not viewed as highly as additional coursework/degrees/specific plan
Factors Affecting Decisions Direct Supervisor Life balance/work flexibility Independence Variety Feel valued/able to contribute
University Survey Top Career Choices: Academia, Defense, Natl Security (67% A&D) 54% plan to remain same profession > 15 years Teacher, other adult primary influence on academic major Least cited reason for engineering career choice: desire to serve???
Perspectives on Careers Those interested in A&D – Interest in aircraft, defense or space – Ability to be on high profile projects – Technological challenge – Job availability during downturn Those note interested in A&D – Never known anyone in A&D – Salaries lower – Not interested in aircraft, defense, space
YP vs Univ Student: Selection of Major Young ProfessionalUniversity Student Personal Interests Ability to Make MoneyRespect for the profession Respect for the ProfessionDesire to contribute to society
For 2011 Surveys out; due May 23 University Student survey – last two weeks Apr YP Survey – through May 20 Open survey at May
New for 2011 Tabulating data by size of organization New AIA segment regarding STEM and Education investment; metrics used to gauge impact Those organizations participating in YP study receive comp of organization / aggregate Universities: Cal Poly, Va Tech, GA Tech, Purdue, Michigan, Penn State, MIT