Basic Chemistry Review
Periodic Table Bingo Share the marker between the two of you. The marker will replace your bingo chips. Mark off each element based on the description on the overhead.
2 electrons in its’ full outer shell He
Atomic # = 1 H
Mass # = 7 Li
Noble Gas Ne
Atomic # = 4 Be
Mass # = 11 B
2 nd row- 7 valence electrons F
Defines something as organic C
Atomic # = 7 N
Atomic # = 11 Na
Mass # = 16 O
3 rd row- 6 valence electrons S
3 rd row- 2 valence electrons Mg
Mass # = 31 P
Atomic # = 14 Si
3 rd row- 3 valence electrons Al
Shell Model Review Using the whiteboards, you will draw the shell model or show the movement of electrons during bonding. Switch between partners. Hold them up when I say so. If you are done early, just relax.
Shell Model: Carbon
Shell Model: He
Shell Model: Neon
Shell Model: Berillium (Be)
Li + F LiF Drawing & Bond type?
F + F F2 Drawing & Bond type?
Ca + 2Cl CaCl2 Drawing & Bond type?
N + 3H NH3 Drawing & Bond type?