Families of the Periodic Table
Periodic Table Family Photo Album How do we know who is in the same family? They are usually in the same group (vertical column) on the periodic table. They have similar properties and atomic structures
Families on the Periodic Table Columns are grouped into families. Families may be one column, or several columns put together. Families have names rather than the group numbers. (Just like your family has a common last name.)
Families of the Periodic Table
Families of Elements- Color your table Hydrogen (all alone) 1 Alkali Metals 2 Alkaline Earth Metals 3-12 Transition Metals 13 The Boron Family 14 The Carbon Group 15 The Nitrogen Group 16 The Oxygen Group 17 The Halogens 18 The Noble Gases Lanthanide Series Actinide Series Families of Elements- Color your table