Expired Funds SAC March 26, 2014 Cristy Perrin, OALM
FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines Update Proposed Policy-FY 2010 and Beyond Agenda 2
All lines with the exception of lines expecting an invoice by September must be closed by June 20th FY 2009 Expired Lines Update 3 Office of Acquisitions2/11/20143/19/14 OLAO15591,405 NCI NIAID93979 NLM NIDA NHLBI NICHD ORF CC NIEHS9155 NITAAC54 50 NIDDK1615 NIMH88 NIDCD15 NIA63 NEI2 2 Grand Total
FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines with Errors 4 FY 2009 PRISM Lines Eligibility Status# Lines Error – Ineligible 3,029 Eligible - Lines that can be processed by the Program* 1,722 Total4,751 FY 2009 PRISM Lines by Error Type Error# Lines Inactive PRISM Buyer, CO, or Owner 1,338 In Progress Actions732 Vendor Site Inactive548 Cost Type Plus Contracts239 Other**172 Total3,029 *Note: Buyers/Contracting Officers will still need to report to DCIS within three days after the NBS PRISM Stale Obligation Program processes eligible lines **Note: these errors most likely to require NBS intervention. Staff should log an NBS helpdesk request so the proper NBS staff can work directly with affected buyers.
REPORTING Released March 21, 2014, OALM Communication – ARRA Funds identified on TAB 4 (highlighted in yellow) – All lines scheduled to be close on April 4 are identified for TAB 5 (highlighted in red) All Exceptions are due to the PPMB POC by March 28, 2014 – Only lines with Error Message “Passes Validations: Eligible for NBS Final Close Program Closeout (Amounts Adjusted)” can be closed by the program – Exceptions must include a justified reason to remain open Reports will be generated monthly by NBS NBS and nVision working to modify the ACQ-47 NBS Final Close Program Scheduled to run April 4, 2014 Tentatively schedule for May FY 2009 PRISM Expired Lines Update 5
Proposed Policy: 2010 and Beyond 6 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: Any PRISM obligation without errors open for two years or more, regardless of open dollar amount, is considered eligible to be closed out by the NBS PRISM Final Close Program that will be run on a quarterly basis. A report of the lines meeting this criteria will be distributed to each IC before the Program is run. Any obligations that should not be closed (Exceptions) must be requested in writing by the IC’s/organization’s designated expiring lines POC and sent to OALM within two weeks of receiving the report.
Exceptions are due to PPMB POCs by March 28, 2014 PPMB Designated POCs for Expired Lines – Nieshia Blocker – NIAID, NIDA, NINDS, NIMH, NIEHS, NEI, NIGMS, NCRR, NINR, NIMHD – Sean Holloway – NCI, OD, NICHD, NHLBI, OD/ORS, CC, CIT, OLAO – Cristy Perrin – NIDDK, OD/ORF, NIA, NLM, NIDCR, NHGRI, NIAMS, NIAAA, NIBIB, NIDCD, NCCAM, FIC, CSR, NITAAC Please make sure your Exception contains the following: – Award Information (i.e. Prism Doc No., Order Number, Line#, etc.) – Justification PPMB POINT OF CONTACTS 7
Status PPMB continues to gather feedback from survey – All responses are due by April 4, 2014 Survey : Proposed FY2010 Beyond Expiring Lines Survey Proposed FY2010 Beyond Expiring Lines Survey Outreach PPMB has proposed policy to the following: – Acquisition Management Council – Simplified Acquisition Committee – Budget Officers – Intramural Administrative Officers – Extramural Administrative Officers – NBS Advocates Proposed Policy: 2010 and Beyond (cont.) 8
Back-up Slides 9
ActionOwner (s)Status Distribute report of FY 2009 Expired Lines to Community OALM/PPMBCompleted February 18, 2014 Distribute updated report of FY 2009 Expired Lines to Community OALM/PPMBCompleted March 21, 2014 Exceptions Due to the PPMB Acquisition CommunityMarch 28, 2014 Run the PRISM automated program on FY 2009 Expired Lines NBS and OALM/PPMBApril 4, 2014 Run the PRISM automated program on FY 2009 Expired Lines NBS and OALM/PPMBTentatively May 2014 FY 2009 PRISM Timeline 10
ActionOwner (s)Status Gather input from Community on proposed Policy for FY 2010 and Beyond OALM/PPMB and Acquisition Community Comments due April 4, 2014 Alert Community of new Policy for FY 2010 and Beyond OALM/PPMBApril ongoing FY 2010 PRISM Timeline 11