Premillenialism “PRE” – before “MILLENIAL” – 1,000 years, one of many theories that call for an earthly reign of Jesus for 1,000 years “ISM” – it just ISN’T SO!
Dispensationalism Argues that God intends to reestablish a Jewish kingdom in Palestine Contends that there is yet a purpose to be served by physical Israel
Dispensationalism Alleges that in 7 year tribulation, God will restore Jews to Palestine “National conversion” of Hebrew people will occur
Hal Lindsey: Speaks of “three keys” which provide basis for Premillenial interpretation of future events: 1.Rebirth of nation of Israel 2.Return of Jerusalem to Jewish hands 3.Rebuilding of Jewish temple on Mt. Moriah
“There will be a re- institution of the Jewish worship according to the Law of Moses with sacrifices and oblations… there will soon begin the construction of the temple.” P.57 – 1970!
Premillenialist's: Teach that all Jews will be saved. “Will ‘all Israel’ be saved? Yes, the entire nation then living…the remnant of Israel shall be a holy people, forgiven, regenerated, converted, cleansed.” R.H.Bolton “…Jehovah wilt in connection with the 2 nd advent of Christ & as a part of Israel’s salvation, ‘take away their sins.’” Founder of Dallas Theo. Seminary, Lewis S. Chafter
In Direct Contradiction With God’s Plan of Salvation Through Jesus Christ No Distinction for Nationality – 2 Corinthians 5:14-16; Galatians 3:28 Christ Savior of All Mankind- 1 John 4:14 Being Heir of Promise Not Dependent on Flesh – Galatians 3:26-29
Are Jews Still The “Chosen People of God?” “God has raised up America in these last days for…the protection of His people, the stand against Israel is to stand against God.” Jerry Falwell Dangerous in that it offers false hope to Jews. This “hope” grossly & erroneously misplaced by Millenialists
From God’s Stand-point, Judaism has forever served its purpose God selected Abraham to be founder of a new nation – Genesis 12:1-3; 22:17,18 Abraham’s offspring delivered from bondage in Egypt – Exodus 19:5,6; Ephesians 2:14 All in view of coming Messiah – Galatians 3:24,25; Hebrews 9:1-10
From God’s Stand-point, Judaism has forever served its purpose Years, God prepared them for the first advent of Jesus Constant struggle to get them to maintain any semblance of faithfulness Jeremiah charged that they did “nothing” of all God commanded- Jeremiah 32:23
From God’s Stand-point, Judaism has forever served its purpose Rebellion consummated by murder of Jesus – God rejected Hebrews as a people God repudiated them and determined to scatter them as dust – Matthew 21:44; 22:7; 24:1- 34; Jeremiah 19:11 All Jewish Records Lost in 70 AD, not a single Jews can prove tribe
God has Replaced Physical Israel with a New Nation, Spiritual Israel Romans 2:28,29 “he is a Jew who is one inwardly” Romans 1:16 “power of God unto salvation” to Jews and Greeks Thus become “true seed of Abraham” – Galatians 3:26-29
Law of Moses Only a Tutor to Bring us to Christ Galatians 3:24,25 “after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor” – Not under Law of Moses Old Law and Temple worship had Served their Purpose- Matthew 27:51 God punctuated this in 70 AD Abrahamic Covenant fulfilled- Joshua 21:43;23:14
Jews Who Rejected Jesus in 1 st Century Deemed “Unworthy of Eternal Life” Acts 13:46 “judge yourselves unworthy of everlasting life” Those who reject Jesus & His Gospel Today also judged Unworthy. Just being a Jew, descendant of Abraham, no longer enough to make one a part of God’s people
Analysis of Romans 11:26 Premillenialist’s Proof-Text Theme of Chapters 10,11 is Conversion of Israel Not Their Restoration as a Nation Conversion Must Come within Scope of New Covenant – Gospel of Jesus Christ Romans 10:1-3 Can only come through “Word of Faith” – Romans 10:8
Analysis of Romans 11:26 Chapter 2 shows Some Jews had accepted the Gospel & were granted Salvation Referred to as “remnant” Romans 11:5 Rest of Israel hardened their hearts & rejected Christ & the Gospel – Romans 11:25 “hardening in part… until fullness of the Gentiles…”
Analysis of Romans 11:26 “Hardening in part” implies that later the hardening would be complete “Fullness of the Gentiles” – conversion of the Gentiles Until Gentiles were converted (Gospel to Jews only for 10 years), hardening of Israel was in part; acceptance of Gospel by Gentiles, Israel’s hardening became complete
Analysis of Romans 11:26 “So all Israel will be saved” Romans 11:26 “SO” an adverb of manner - “All Israel” saved in same manner as the “remnant – accepting the New Covenant ONLY in this way can Israel be saved
Analysis of Romans 11:26 NOTNOT a Declaration of universal salvation for the Jews or the national restoration of Israel ISIt IS a statement of conditions upon which the Jew would be saved – the same conditions which applied to the Gentiles & those of the “remnant.” No Person or People are above obedience to the Gospel of Christ
Any doctrine that would circumvent the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Override the Free will of man, or Force anyone to submit to the gospel or Die – is a FALSE DOCTRINE – it’s origin is with SATAN – Not GOD!