By: Tyler “Stud” Deal Anna “Leigh” Richey February 12, 2002
What is Gene Therapy? Involves: normal genes being inserted into diseased or infected genes in order to cure or prevent certain diseases or disorders. An experimental scientific procedure
HISTORY of Gene Therapy The process was underdeveloped in the early 1970s. They began to use animals for testing. In the 1990s, gene therapy became a reality. Humans were brought into the trials.
What are the 2 types? Somatic: –Corrective therapy is applied to “messed up” genes. –This is done in hope that these bad genes will be replaced by good genes. –This is currently being tested. Germline: –Used as a means of prevention –It prevents later technical periods of gene complications. –This method is not yet being tested on humans.
Procedures of Gene Therapy! Normal, healthy genes are located. These genes are then inserted by way of vectors (modified viruses & proteins) into the diseased genes. Over time, improvement may possibly occur in the patient.
Gene Therapy is used for… Cancer (60% of all gene therapy trials) AIDS Hemophilia Jaundice Cystic Fibrosis Cardiovascular Diseases
Gene Therapy Trials Lung Cancer Gene Therapy Statistics Out of 28 patients: –Stabilized over ½ of the Cancers –But…3 of the 28 DIED of Cancer before a month passed –Among the others, 2 tumors shrank, 16 were basically stabilized, and 7 continued to grow. –All these patients had P53 cells inserted into them….and as the results show genetic therapy is still very experimental!
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