NT Church initially viewed as sect of Judaism by Rome Recognized as Distinct – Persecution 64 Edict to worship pagan gods – universal persecution 250 Peace 260 Persecution revived in 303 Constantine converted 313 – official religion
Christianity was perverted over time, 2 Thes. 2:3-12 RC not accepted by all Resistance throughout history Resistance today
Churches in NT were organized by H.S. Local: Elders, Bishops, Overseers, Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5-7 -Plurality, 1 Pt. 5:1, 2; Phil. 1:1 -Over one church, 1 Pt. 5:1-4; Acts 20:28 -Qualifications, 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-7 Universal: Christ as Head, Eph. 1:22, 23
Evolution of Roman Catholicism Death of apostles Elevation of one elder to “bishop” Bishop extended authority to other churches City bishops over country bishops Territories established under archbishops -Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem
Development of papal rule : Cyprian of Carthage -Peter founded the church at Rome -Peter was head of the apostles : Leo I – Roman bishop over all 588: John the Faster of Constantinople claimed to be universal bishop -Rejected by Gregory I of Rome
Development of papal rule 606: Boniface III of Rome recognized as universal bishop in the West 1054: Final division of East & West
Developed creeds Nicene (325): answer false doctrine about Christ Constantinople (381): same issue Ephesus (431): same issue
Developed creeds Chalcedon (451) Second of Constantinople (553) Third of Constantinople ( ) Second of Nicaea (787)
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 “The priest is the minister of Divine worship, and especially of the highest act of worship, sacrifice. In this sense, every religion has its priests, exercising more or less exalted sacerdotal functions as intermediaries between man and the Divinity.” CE
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 “…by his priestly ordination he receives the power to offer sacrifice (i.e. to celebrate the Eucharist), to forgive sins, to bless, to preach, to sanctify, and in a word to fulfill the non-reserved liturgical duties or priestly functions.” CE
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 Contrary to Bible -All Christians are priests, 1 Pt. 2:9 -One Mediator, 1 Tim. 2:5 -One Who offered a sacrifice, Heb. 9:11, 12 -One Who forgives, Mk. 2:1-12
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 “Thus, priests are gods in power. O power and dignity of priesthood which surpasses all the powers of heaven and earth, second only to the ineffable dignity of the Mother of God (The Priest, His Dignity and Obligations, John Eudes, 177).”
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 “When the priest pronounces the tremendous words of consecration, he reaches up into the heavens, brings Christ down from His throne, and places Him upon our altar to be offered up again as the victim for the sins of man (The Faith of Millions, John A. O’Brien, 268).”
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 “That is the sense of a clause from the Council of Trent … ‘If any one saith that in the Mass a true and proper sacrifice is not offered to God; or, that to be offered is nothing else but that Christ is given us to eat; let him be anathema’ (Denzinger, ‘Enchir.’, 10th ed. 1908, n. 948).” CE
Priests are blasphemously exalted – “father,” Mt. 23:1-10 Contrary to Bible -Blaspheme, 2 Thes. 2:3, 4 -One sacrifice, Heb. 9:23-28; 10: Lord’s Supper, Mt. 26:26-29
Priests are required to be celibate “Although we do not find in the New Testament any indication of celibacy being made compulsory either upon the Apostles or those whom they ordained, we have ample warrant in the language of Our Saviour, and of St. Paul for looking upon virginity as the higher call, and by inference, as the condition befitting those who are set apart for the work of the ministry.” CE
Priests are required to be celibate Contrary to Bible -Marriage is honorable, Gen. 2; Heb. 13:4 -Why required for bishops, Titus 1:5-7 -Jesus - voluntary, Mt. 19:11, 12 -Paul – “present distress,” 1 Cor. 7:1-7, 26 -Forced celibacy is of Satan, 1 Tim. 4:1-5
NT Church initially viewed as sect of Judaism by Rome Recognized as Distinct – Persecution 64 Edict to worship pagan gods – universal persecution 250 Peace 260 Persecution revived in 303 Constantine converted 313 – official religion
Christianity was perverted over time, 2 Thes. 2:3-12 RC not accepted by all Resistance throughout history Resistance today