Comparing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Monotheism Mono-one the belief that there is only one God
How many Gods? Monotheistic One
Believers Believers of Christianity are called: Christians
Leader Leader of Christianity is: Jesus Christ
Holy Book The Holy Book of Christianity is called: Bible
Place of Worship The place of worship for Christianity is called: Church, chapel, or Cathedral
Main Day of Worship The Main Day of worship for Christianity is: Sunday
View of Jesus Christ Christianity’s view of Jesus Christ : Son of God, God incarnate, savior of the world
Patriarch Patriarch of Judaism: Abraham The person regarded as being the father or founder of the human race
Patriarch Patriarch of Christianity: Abraham
Holy Places The Holy Places of Christianity are: Jerusalem Bethlehem Vatican City (catholic)
Traditions The Traditions of Christianity are: -Christmas -Easter
Symbols Symbols of Christianity : Cross
How many Gods? Monotheistic One
Believers Believers of Judaism are called: Jews
Leader Leader of Judaism is: Abraham
Holy Book The Holy Book of Judaism is called: Torah consists of the first five books of the Old Testament
Place of Worship The place of worship for Judaism is called: a Synagogue
Main Day of Worship The Main Day of worship for Judaism is: Saturday
View of Jesus Christ Judaism's view of Jesus Christ: An ordinary Jew, not the Messiah or a divine person.
Messiah One who is anticipated as, regarded as, or professes to be a savior or liberator.
Patriarch Patriarch of Judaism: Abraham The person regarded as being the father or founder of the human race
Holy Places The Holy Places of Judaism are: Jerusalem
Traditions The Traditions of Judaism are: Bar/Bat Mitzvah Hanukah
Symbols Symbols of Judaism: Menorah Star of David
How many Gods? Monotheistic One
Believers Believers of Islam are called: Muslims
Leader/Founder Leader/founder of Islam: Muhammad
Holy Book The Holy Book of Islam is called: Qur'an or Koran
Place of Worship The place of worship for Islam is called: a Mosque
Main Day of Worship The Main Day of worship for Islam is: Friday
View of Jesus Christ Islamic view of Jesus Christ : A prophet, sent by Allah and born of the Virgin Mary, but not divine
Patriarch Patriarch of Islam: Abraham
Holy Places The Holy Places of Islam are: Jerusalem Mecca
Traditions The Traditions of Islam are: Fasting during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca
Symbols Symbols of Islam : Star and Crescent