S UMMARY 1. What is the bureaucracy ? Definition and concept 2. The vicious circle of bureaucracy Merton analysis Crozier analysis 3. Conclusion : The impact
“Bureaucracy is a concept in sociology and political science referring to the way that the administrative execution and enforcement of legal rules are socially organized. Four structural concepts are central to any definition of bureaucracy: W EBER DESCRIBED THE IDEAL TYPE BUREAUCRACY IN POSITIVE TERMS
a well-defined division of administrative labour among persons and offices, a personnel system with consistent patterns of recruitment and stable linear careers, a hierarchy among offices, such that the authority and status are differentially distributed among actors, and formal and informal networks that connect organizational actors to one another through flows of information and patterns of cooperation.”
2. The vicious circle of bureaucracy
Merton analysis Merton explains that every need of a customers is put into categories, and each need has an only way to be satisfied. The vicious circle according to Merton appears when there are troubles within the mechanic organisation that in order to fix it strengthen its rules which are the cause of the troubles. This kind of organisation is not able to learn from its errors, furthemore the troubles keep growing more and more.
Demand for Control Emphasis on Reliability Defence of Individual Action Perceived Need To Defend Actions Rigid Behaviour and Defence of Org. Status Difficulty with Clients Intended Un-intended Merton 1936
Crozier analysis "A bureaucratic organization is an organization that can not correct its behaviour by learning from its errors" He wrote The Bureaucratic Phenomenon in 1964 as the re-examination of Weber concept of the efficient ideal bureaucracy. His theory is based on the observation that in situations where almost every outcome has been decided in advance according to a set of impersonal and predefined rules and regulations, the only way in which people are able to gain some control over their lives is to exploit 'zones of uncertainty' where the outcomes are not already known. He explains the Theory of bureaucratic dysfunction which shows how much bureaucracy can be un efficient in a lot of domains.
3. Conclusion : The impact.
MechanisticOrganic StructureRigidFlexible TasksStandardisedIll Defined ChangeResistedReceptive AuthorityPositionalExpertise & Knowledge ControlHierarchySelf & Peers Communication Direction DownwardIn all directions Communication Content InstructionsInformation & Advice Diference between Mechanistic and Organic organisations
The impact of bureaucracy on attempt to develop learning organisation is impressive, indeed there are contradictions between the learning organisations development and the bureaucracy effects within the organisation. Bureaucracy is inadapted to the learning organisations due to the fact that bureaucracy is not able to learn from its experience and that learning organisations are based on their ability to develop itself.
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