History of the Ancient and Medieval World The Study of History: Setting the Stage Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 107
Black Ships Before Troy Must have by: Sept. 15
Project*: Personalized Notebook Create a personalized cover using DTP*: (front, back, spine) for your history notebook. The components include: Personal information: your name, course title, school, year Visual Representation of each of the key themes presented in lecture (notes) and summarized on your handout. Each visual must have a clearly identifiable number. Key: identifying the visual representations by theme. Your choices should reflect our subject and if possible your interests. (Suggestion: look through the text for some ideas.) *(Rubric and Extra Credit details on handout.) Project Due Date: Friday, Aug. 29 *DTP = Desktop Publishing (Use Word or PowerPoint)
Rubric: 10 Key Themes of Study of History Personalized Information = 2 points 10 Themes = 10 points Key = 5 points Attractiveness, attention to detail, incorporation of criticism = 3 points Total = 20 points
Rubric: 10 Key Themes of Study of History Attempted: The components listed are not all present or they are poorly conceived or the project is late Adequate: All components present and are easily identifiable. Very Good: All components present and easily identifiable Project reflects care in execution. Exemplary: Components carefully and creatively conceived and arranged to reflect effectively the reoccurring themes of this course.
What is History? A study of man’s past. (working definition)
History: Study of Man’s Past To study history, one must understand 2 key concepts: Chronology of events Examples from our history: Duration of time Examples: Proportional and Relative representations of time
Place in Chronological Order English arrive in Jamestown The Great Depression War Between the States World War II American Revolution My Birth
Assignment 1 (1) Read text, pp 4-5 (2) Read handout, watch internet video and answer questions on separate piece of paper in complete sentences (3) Storage device
Quick Fact File* The earth is about 4,000,000,000 years old. Homo-Sapiens appeared about 100,000 years ago. Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens appeared about 40,000 years ago. The last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago. Civilization arouse about 5,000 years ago. *This is based on scientific theory and is necessarily approximate.
Assignment 2 (1) Work on Project
Making Connections-Sample 1 From the 2 activities: M&M theory of time management and History of the World in 7 Minutes, what conclusions do you draw about the period of time we will be studying in this course? Hint: Think in terms of amount of and pace of time.
Making Connections-Sample 2 Of the 7-minute History of the World, how many seconds/minutes represent time that will be covered in this course? Hint: Be sure to refer to the course description in the syllabus.
Making Connections-Sample 3 Why does the viewer of the 7-minute History of the World have to wait a couple of minutes before beginning a historical count down? Hint: Be sure to refer to the course description in the syllabus. The video offers its own explanation.
Student Sample Solution
Summary: 2 Versions of Historical Time Relative Time -The video encouraged us to understand that change is sometimes slow and sometimes very rapid. However, this view of time is not … Proportional Time - The M&Ms allowed us to see that man’s role in earth’s existence is a matter of “chocolate dust.” With this view it is hard to see man’s accomplishments.
What is Culture*? An integrated pattern of knowledge, behaviors, beliefs that is transmitted from one generation to the next - key part of defining what it means to be a human being. The specific aspects of culture are shared by members of a human group-race, ethnicity, religious or political group. Behaviors include: language, religion, beliefs and customs (traditions), lifestyle, art, technologies, etc. *Classroom Activity: 6 objects to identify and definitions of Social Scientists
Assignment 3 (1)Definitions of Social Scientists – See following slide of PP show. (2)Read pp. 6-7 of text answering 3 questions posed on pp 7.
Social Sciences: Interdependent What is it? Who does it? What do they do? Why do they do it? Archaeology, history, geography (See text’s definitions.) (1)Anthropology (2)Economics (3)Statistics (4)Sociology (5)Political Science(6)Psychology
Assignment 4 (1) Complete project
Assignment 5 No Additional Work