Transition In a Rural Setting Brookings Harbor & North Bend Youth Transition Programs
What’s in store for you … Ways to connect with local employers Community partner collaboration Partnering with students School-based businesses ideas YTP 101 for new sites
Ideas… Ways to connect with local employers Community partner collaboration Partnering with Students School-based businesses ideas YTP 101 for new sites
YTP and Public Relations Create an informational flyer- see handout Local newspaper Rotary Chamber of Commerce Radio Social Media Business Cards with YTP Info Volunteering with local agencies
Job Development/Job Carving Registered Tribal Members Employment Scouting Cold Calls Walk Ins Work Experience Bridging to Employment Staffing Agencies Agency Collaboration Invite local businesses to school based business
YTP Specialist and Student Team Make a plan, divide out responsibilities Teaching Students how to find a job Developing Strategies to job hunting The tricks of getting a job in different career areas Addressing the barriers head on Making a plan to discuss “D”
Community Collaboration Outreach Possible Community Organizations Locate your local community allies District-wide In-service Community outreach Local Service Agencies-Jobs Grants Brokerage Services Community Living Case Management (CLCM) formally know as DD services South Coast Business Employment Corporation (SCBEC) Columbia Care Mentor Oregon Employment Department Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) Lions, Rotary, Kiwanis, etc Maslow’s