Career and College Ready: The Role of the School Counselor in Helping Students Develop a Plan for What Comes After Olympia High School…… Kim Reykdal, Career & College Counselor
Parent Response #1 What are the top 3 things you wish you’d been told and/or would like to have known as a high school parent? OR What do you want to know tonight?
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. ~ Steve Jobs High School and Beyond
Career Guidance Lessons Pre-test/ General Intro. Who Am I? ( Assessments ) What, then, can I become? ( Explore Careers ) How do I become that? ( Post HS Options ) Post-test, Plan, Student Led Conference Career Bridge ReadySetGrad O*Net m College Board
Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. ~ Steve Jobs Lifestyle Skills Interests Values
Apprenticeship or Technical School Employment or Gap Year Military Where will your journey take you after high school? 2 or 4-year College
Student Led Conferences: OHS = 1780 students * 5 Counselors (356:1) * 1 Career & College Counselor 62% 4-year college * 33% 2-year college * 8% military or work Helps students take responsibility for learning and explain how their current progress is (or isn’t?) leading to their future plans Opportunity for students to showcase their achievement, show leadership, and articulate their goals and dreams Creates a forum for school, student and parent communication and an opportunity for parent involvement Great public speaking practice (job/college interview prep)
Parent Response #2 If you’ve participated in a SLC, what can we do to improve that experience? If you haven’t what would you want to see happen at that meeting?
The Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce Of the 47 millions jobs forecast to open by 2018 : 63% will require at least some college education Nearly 50% will require an AA or less Almost all of these jobs will require real world skills as learned in Career & Tech Ed ( CTE ) courses The perception challenge: CTE classes are often demeaned/disparaged by the academic elite even though CTE can increase student engagement, especially for students who are not motivated by a strictly academic program of study.
~ The Hidden STEM Economy, The Brookings Institute, June 2013
Parent Response #3 In addition to using Career Cruising, what ideas do you have about how we can best help students make a plan for after high school?