Dinosaurs lived a very long time ago. They have all died now. This is called extinct. MTYT Dinosaurs are extinct.
Nobody has ever seen a dinosaur in real life. We only know about them because we found their bones buried in the ground.
Some dinosaurs were enormous and some dinosaurs were small.
Some dinosaurs ate leaves and berries and things which grow and other dinosaurs ate meat.
Dinosaurs all looked different. Some dinosaurs had spikes hard armour long necks big teeth hornswings
We have given dinosaurs names. Here are some of them: MTYT Tyrannosaurus Rex Tyranosaurus Rex means lizard king. He had the most powerful bite of all of the dinosaurs and walked on two feet.
MTYT Stegosaurus Stegosaurus had 3 spikes on his tail and very hard armour for his skin.
MTYT Triceratops Triceratops had 3 horns on his head which was huge! He only ate plants.
MTYT Pteranadon A Pteranadon had a pointy head and very large wings.
MTYT Diplodocus A diplodocus ate only plants and trees and had a very long neck. It was very very big!
MTYT Velociraptor Velociraptors had claws on his feet and long tails.