Using In Your Classroom By: Lindsay Little Gordon College EDU 614 Revised by K,K, & K
Who Uses Pinterest?? 50% of Users have childrenMen vs Women
Average Time Spent on Pinterest
What is ? Pinterest Home Page Visual Bookmarking tool Create boards related to your interests Collect resources and organize them using pin boards Share and collaborate by creating community boards
How Educators Use o Collaborate Teacher to teacher Teacher to student Student to student o Collect Resources for units and organize them into boards Accrue visuals & videos for presentations Resources from other teacher boards Store resources in one place Prompt online discussion Build reference boards
But, Why Use ? But, Why Use ? Christine Erickson. (2012, February 25). [infographic of pinterest facts]. 13 ‘pinteresting’ facts about pinterest users. Retrieved from
MY PINBOARDS Explain the home pagehome page View Pin BoardsPin Boards Privacy Settings Searching for resources in the site Create a new board
TERMS OF SERVICE COPY RIGHT “Pinterest values and respects the rights of third party creators and content owners, and expects you to do the same. You therefore agree that any user content that you post to the service does not and will not violate any law or infringe the rights of any third party, including without limitation any Intellectual Property Rights, publicity rights or rights of privacy. We reserve the right, but are not obligated, to remove User Content from the Service for any reason, including Content that we believe violates these Terms or the Pinterest Acceptable Use Policy. We therefore ask that you please be careful when deciding whether to make User Content available on our Service” (Pinterest, Terms of Service, para dii). To avoid copy right infringement, some websites and its media (like Flickr) may not be “pinnable” because a “nopin” HTML tag released in February 2012 (wikipedia, pinterest).
What is Appropriate to ? WHAT TO PINWHAT NOT TO PIN Other members of Pinterest. People who have a Pinterest button on their site Artists who use Creative Commons People with an online Etsy shop. List credit in the caption to link back to the original site. Artists who have marked “all rights reserved” People who have not indicated copyright use People who license their images to publishers or manufacturers Anonymous tumblr or blog images are usually neither licensed or credited. Lori Mcnee, 2012, How to use pinterest and still respect copyrights.
Pinning it all Together… Pinterest is a popular way to share, collect, and collaborate with other people PROS Collaboration Collection Organization CONS Cannot pin all media Creating a twitter/facebook account to join Others can automatically re-pin your content Why I would use Pinterest in my classroom my 1 st day, I had 100 re-pins of my material connecting with teachers all over the world organizing my content visually
How I felt about Pinterest when I first joined…
How Do I Get Started? There are two ways to join Pinterest: Go to Log in through your Facebook Account/Twitter Or log in using your address and create a password
Joining Pinterest When you join: Pinterest automatically asks what you’re interested in After clicking some interests, Pinterest suggests followers that suit you Install “Pin It” Button in Bookmark Bar
References American Profile. (2012, May 16). What is pinterst? Gatehouse News Service. Retrieved from Aaron, Morrison. (2011, September). Four ways to use pinterest in education. Pearson Education Inc. Retrieved from p=424# Best Colleges Online (2012, January). 30 Inspiring Pinterest Pins for Teachers. Retrieved from pinterest-pins-for-teachers/ Greg Boser. (2012). Everything you need to know about pinterst. BlueGlass Inc. Retrieved from Denny Carter. (2012, March 14). Ignoring pinterest in 2012 could make colleges look ‘old and stodgy’: Social media experts are finding ways to use the picture-based social network, but many schools haven’t embraced the site. Retrieved from could-make-colleges-look-old-and-stodgy/ Copyright and Trademark. (2012, April). Pinterest. Retrieved from about/copyright/ Jeff Dunn. (2012, March 23). The teacher’s quick guide to pinterest. [web log comment]. Retrieved from
References Jeff Dunn. (2012, February 29). The reason I just deleted my pinterest account. [web log comment]. Retrieved from Jeff Dunn. (2012, March 13). 20 Ways Libraries are using pinterest right now. [web log comment]. Retrieved from are-using-pinterest-right-now/ Christine Erickson. (2012, February 25). [infographic of pinterest facts]. 13 ‘pinteresting’ facts about pinterest users. Retrieved from /02/25/pinterest-user-demographics/# Adam Glenn. (2012, March 20). How educators are using pinterest for showcasing, curation. PBS. Retrieved from educators-are-using-pinterest-for-showcasing-curation080.htmlhttp:// Terry Heick. (2010, February 13). 5 tipis for using pinterest in your classroom. Edudemic. [web log comment]. Retrieved from tips-for-using-pinterest-in-your-classroom/ (2012, February 9). Know your internet: What is pinterest and why should I care? The Atlantic. Retrieved from /02/know-your-internet-what-is-pinterest-and-why-should-i-care/252835/
References Lori Mcnee. (2012, February 27). How to use pinterest and still respect copyrights. [web log comment]. Retrieved from /02/how-to-use-pinterest-and-still-respect-copyrights/ Rabichev, R. (2012, May 30). Internet marketing company conducts a poll on pinterest and marketing. Yahoo! News. Retrieved from marketing html (2012, February 28). [Inforgaphic of the rise of pinterst]. The rapid rise of pinterest’s blockbuster user engagement. Retrieved from
Let’s Start Pinning!