Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “PY2013 PPP” Webinar   We will start in 5 minutes.   Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those.


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Presentation transcript:

Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “PY2013 PPP” Webinar   We will start in 5 minutes.   Please dial in by following the instructions (to see those instructions again click the audio icon)

Technical Details   To best view the presentation, click the Whiteboard (or full Screen) Icon:   During the presentation you may also use the scrolling bars to view content that is hidden

Technical Details   This webinar is an I-Class session. Telephones will be muted during the presentation.   We will have Question and Answer segments throughout the presentation. In order to ask a question Please use the Raise Hand Icon.   You can also ask a question or make a comment by clicking send a note icon

Senior Service America, Inc. (SSAI) “PY2013 Project Performance Plan (PPP) Webinar” July 17, :00 p.m.

Webinar Details   Today’s Presenters (alpha order): Joe Gallagher and Chris Garland   Webinar Length 1 hour and 30 minutes from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time We may finish early if not all time is needed

Agenda   Welcome   Review PY2013 SCSEP Goals   Focus of Today’s Webinar   Look Back to PY2011 to Present   Q&A   Review Enhancements to PY2013 PPP Webtool   PY2013 PPP Reminders   Q&A   PPP & CIP Process   Key Dates   Program Officer PPP & CIP Assignments   Adjourn

PY2013 SSAI SCSEP Goals SSAI Goal Service Level/Enrollment160% Most-in-Need Community Service Hours80% Entered Employment33% Unsubsidized Placement31% Retention 65% Average Earnings$7, Spend 100% of your PW funds by June 30, 2014

Focus of Today’s Webinar Managing the Four Dimensions of the PPP   Unsubsidized Placements (1)  Time (2)   Participant Wage Funds (3)   Service level/enrollment (4)  Time

Characteristics of PY2011   Goal attainment was secondary to managing your participant wage (PW) funding in light of the dramatic funding cuts   SSAI asked you to focus on using the PPP tool well   Focused on spending your PW funding by June 30 th without overspending and SSAI allowed subgrantees to adjust participant hours as needed

Characteristics of PY2012…   SSAI’s focus on Performance Goals was back   Last year was a capacity building year for subgrantees, and SSAI asked you to focus on meeting your unsubsidized placement goal   PY2012 unsubsidized placement goal was modest – your PY2011 achievement plus 10%   Dusted off your PPP 3D management skills

Characteristics of PY2012   SSAI used PY2012 to kick-off “Target 2016”, our long-term, multi-year strategy to improve performance, especially unsubsidized placement   We told you back in September 2012 that SSAI needed to improve unsubsidized placement across our network because: We firmly believe that many participants want jobs to be more self-sufficient We want to be in a different place in terms of performance for the next National SCSEP Grantee Competition Unsubsidized jobs contribute to the long-term viability of SCSEP; keeps SCSEP story strong

PY2013   Improving performance particularly in the areas of unsubsidized placement, service level and MIN (using the tools of the Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP) and link to PPP) are the focuses this year   Reminder: unsubsidized placement and enrollment goals are minimums driven by your PPP and what needs to happen with your PW funds in your PPP   Each subgrantee needs to achieve at least 85% of their goals by June 30, 2014 in order to not have a CIP in PY2014

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Let’s look at some examples in the PY2013 PPP Webtool

PY2013 PPP Terminology   The first PPP you submit is your “Pending Approval Plan” – will stay “pending” until SSAI approves it   After SSAI staff review and approve the “Pending Approval PPP”, its name will change to “Approved Plan” If SSAI staff do not approve “Pending Approval Plan”, Program Officers will convert it back to a draft PPP so you review and update as needed   Subsequent PPP updates will be called “Updated Approved Plans”   “Provisional PPP” – is the label for a PPP in instances where your activities deviate from Approved PPP targets. We do not expect to see Provisional PPPs until later in the year and they are subject to negotiation with SSAI

PY2013 PPP Tool Changes   While your “Pending Approval Plan” is under SSAI staff review, you cannot make changes or create new PPPs   An automatic check will run when you submit your “Pending Approval PPP” and each time an Approved Plan is updated. A dialogue box will appear and ask you questions about your PPP, if applicable. The questions are based on SSAI’s PPP criteria.   Approved PPPs and Updated Approved PPPs will be saved “as is” or “frozen” so you will be able to look back at prior PPPs

PY2013 PPP Tool Reminders   12 month PW budget from Sponsor Agreement inserted; reminder – Today, July 17 th is deadline to return your PY2013 Sponsor Agreement, including budget proposal, to SSAI   If you entered all of your PY2012 data by the July 10 th deadline, your carry-over number will be accurate in your PPP   If you know of any changes to your agency’s payroll schedule from PY2012 to PY2013, please contact Joe Gallagher promptly

More PPP Tool Reminders   Hours per pay period will be set as follows: At less than 20 hours per week if that is what your participants were working in the last pay period of PY2012 Set at 20 hours per week for any subgrantees paying more than 20 hours per week in last pay period of PY2012   SSAI Policy – subgrantees must get prior approval from SSAI before increasing or decreasing any participant hours

More PPP Tool Reminders Early action in Q1 and Q21 (exits or enrollments) have a big impact on your PW funds For example, sooner a participant exits into an unsubsidized job, more participant wage funds saved   Be sure to include/reflect durational limit exits in your PPP To help you be successful, Program Officers will be on lookout to see if your PPP shows you will need to enroll a great deal to replace DL exits and will help you prepare for needed enrollment

Durational Limit Exit Reminder   Per SSAI Policy, project staff must work with participants on their Transition Assessment and IEP 12 months before the participant’s four year individual durational limit exit date   SSAI will be providing additional training and clarity on this requirement in PY2013

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PPP & CIP Process   PY2013 PPP tool will be ready on Tuesday, July 23 rd   Every SSAI subgrantee must complete PY2013 PPP by Monday, July 29 th   If you were notified by SSAI that you must also complete a CIP for PY2013, that is also due by July 29 th CIP notification s were sent on July 13, 2013

If you missed SSAI’s CIP webinar on June 19, 2013, we encourage you to view the webinar recording that is archived and available on the SSAI Partners’ Page

More PPP & CIP Process   SSAI Program Officers will review both the CIP and PPPs and contact you if they have questions or feedback   There will be back and forth   Track One - SSAI will approve   Track Two - if SSAI still has concerns about your PPP and/or CIP, we will arrange a conference call with your Executive Director and you so Executive Leadership can be engaged in dialogue to help improve program performance

If your PPP indicates you will be enrolling:   Prioritize your waiting list by applicants’ priority of service characteristics   Begin promoting SCSEP program and vacancies in your community   Enroll per guidance from your PPP (when time is right)

SSAI Enrollment Services Sample flyers (partners’ page of our website) Diverse technical assistance on outreach and enrollment strategies Help with understanding how to prioritize your wait list based on the priority of service characteristics of your participants Assistance with questions regarding income eligibility Understanding when you need to enroll based on your PPP Be sure to list your outreach action steps in your Service Level CIP (if applicable)

SSAI Unsubsidized Placement Services   Critique reassessments/IEPs and assist with revisions; identify action steps and community service goals   Review, evaluate and revise participant resumes   Assistance with assessing job readiness of participants   Consulting on how to establish job clubs; provide discussion topics and activities for meetings   Performing mock interviews

SSAI Unsubsidized Placement Services   Develop employer outreach strategies   Conduct training sessions/webinars for staff or participants   Access labor market information to identify potential employers   Facilitate host agency meetings or present at external meetings regarding the SCSEP program   Be sure to list your unsubsidized placement (UP) action steps in your UP CIP (if applicable)

Key Dates   PY2013 PPP will be available on Tuesday, July 23 rd   You need to complete and save a new PPP by Monday, July 29th   The PPP includes your SPARQ data – we do regular data uploads   Per the SSAI’s grant with DOL and the Sponsor Agreement, current policy is that you must enter the data from the SSAI SPARQ forms (Participant, Community Service, Exit and Unsubsidized Exit Forms) into SPARQ within 5 business days of their completion.

Program Officer Assignments for PPP and CIP Front End Support (FES) Program Officer for PPP States Lisa LeNY, OH, PA, TN, and TX Constance ToddAL, CA, IA, IL, IN and WI Joshua WadsworthMA, MD, MN, MS and NC Field Support (FS) Program OfficersStates Rita MonroyAL, CA, IN, NC, OH and TX Janet RayIL, MD, MN, PA, TN and WI Donna Satterthwaite (for Glendale Johnson) IA, MA, MS and NY

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Thank you for attending today’s webinar   If you have questions after the webinar, please contact the Front End Support Team at or by at   We will send notifying you when today’s webinar recording is available for viewing   The PY2013 PPP webtool will be “live” on Tuesday, July 23 rd and your new PPP is due on Monday, July 29th