CIS300 Test Review Exam 1- Prof. dos Santos REACH - CRC
Test Review Agenda Examples of Each EXCEL Function Practice Test Questions 1 on 1 Tutoring Assistance in CRC (Optional) 2
6 value_if_true [value_if_false]
Nested If in Excel A nested IF statement says something like... "If the answer is yes, do this. If the answer is no do this or this (depending on...“ Syntax: IF( condition1, value_if_true, IF( condition2, value_if_true, value_if_false )) 7
Nested IF 8 What was the percentage grade you got on your last test?75% You got a C The formula that would go in the yellow box….. =IF(F42<60%,"Sorry, you failed",IF(F42<70%,"You got a D",IF(F42<80%,"You got a C",IF(F42<90%, "You got a B", "WOW you got an A!!!"))))
11 =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds to two decimal places
13 =AVERAGEIF(B2:B5,"<23000")
14 =AVERAGEIF(B2:B5,"<23000") =14000
15 =AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,"<95000")
16 =AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,"<95000") =#DIV/0
17 =AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,">250000",B2:B5)
18 =AVERAGEIF(A2:A5,">250000",B2:B5) =24500
23 =COUNTA(A1:A8) =7
26 Description: Returns the k-th largest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,1) returns the largest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,n) returns the smallest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points
=LARGE(array,k) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 27
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6, 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 28
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B 29
=LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: =5 30
31 Description: Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,1) returns the smallest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,n) returns the largest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points
=SMALL(array,k) 4th smallest number in first column 32
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10 4th smallest number in first column 33
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) 4th smallest number in first column List the numbers in ascending order:
=SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) 4th smallest number in first column List the numbers in ascending order: =4 35
36 Errors: #VALUE! – If row_index_num is less than 1 #REF! – If row_index_num is greater than the number of rows in the table_array #N/A – If range_lookup is FALSE and an exact match cannot be found OR #N/A – If lookup_value is less than the smallest value in the first row of table_array
37 ABC 1AxlesBearingBolts FormulaDescription (Result) Looks up Axles in row 1, and returns the value from row 2 that's in the same column. (4) =HLOOKUP("Axles",A1:C4,2,TRUE) =HLOOKUP("Bearings",A1:C4,3,FALSE) Looks up Bearings in row 1, and returns the value from row 3 that's in the same column. (7) =HLOOKUP("B",A1:C4,3,TRUE) Looks up B in row 1, and returns the value from row 3 that's in the same column. Because B is not an exact match, the next largest value that is less than B is used: Axles. (5) =HLOOKUP("Bolts",A1:C4,4) Looks up Bolts in row 1, and returns the value from row 4 that's in the same column. (11)
Microsoft ® Excel ® Information Functions Returns TRUE if value refers to any error value: #N/A#VALUE!#REF!#DIV/0! #NUM!#NAME?#NULL!
Microsoft ® Excel ® Information Functions
=VLOOKUP(“CPU”,A1:F9,5,FALSE) 12345
=HLOOKUP(“Retail Value”,A1:F9,5,FALSE)
Some More Practice – EXAMPLE 1 Q. In the month with the most rainfall, how much damage did the rain cause? A.=VLOOKUP(MAX(B2:B13),B2:D13,3) = $250,000.00
Q. How much total profit was made on the item that costs $40.00? A. =VLOOKUP(40,C2:F7,4,FALSE)
Q. How many motherboards did they sell? A.=HLOOKUP(“Quantity”,A1:F9,6,FALSE)
Quiz Questions 1-4 Spend 5 minutes working on questions 1-4 on the handout. 1) Assuming the potential profit is calculated by multiplying the profit margin by the # of items on hand, what formula is in I4? Assume you plan on copying the formula in cells I5 through I13. =G4*H4 2) What is the total potential profit if all menu items on hand are sold? =SUM(I4:I13) 45
Quiz Questions 1-4 3) What is the average menu price for items >$10? =AVERAGEIF(E4:E13, ">10") 4) How many menu items have one side? =COUNTIF(D4:D13, 1) Spend 5-10 minutes working on questions
Quiz Questions 5-8 5) What is the average Menu Price of all items with one side? =AVERAGEIF(D4:D13, 1, E4:E13) 6) How many menu items are there with a menu price > $6 but also is an appetizer? =COUNTIFS(E4:E13,">6",C4:C13,"Appetizer") 47
Quiz Questions 5-8 7) What is the difference between the average Approx. Cost of Entrees and Appetizers? =AVERAGEIF(C4:C13, "Entrée", F4:F13) - AVERAGEIF(C4:C13, "Appetizer", F4:F13) 8) What is the sum of the Profit Margin of menu items that begin with the letter “H” =SUMIF(B4:B13, "H*", G4:G13) 48