Karla Sanders & Kimberlie Moock Co-chairs, Committee on Retention Efforts (CORE)
Eastern’s Retention and Graduation Rates CORE Initiatives Breakout Discussions ◦ Faculty Sharing: Practices for Student Achievement & Development ◦ Strengthening the Advisee/Mentee Connection ◦ Making Individual Connections: Strategies for Support Staff
Committee on Retention Efforts ◦ Joint committee of academic and student affairs ◦ Chaired by Karla Sanders, Center for Academic Support & Assessment, & Kimberlie Moock, New Student Programs ◦ Charged by V.P. Lord & V.P. Nadler in Spring 2006
Selectivity TypeFirst to Second Year Retention 6-Year Graduation Rates Highly Selective (Top 10%; ACT 25-30) 95%86% Selective (Top 25%; ACT ) 81.6%60.5% Traditional Selective (Top 50%; ACT 18-24) 69.3%43.9% Liberal Selective (Bottom 50%; ACT 17-22) 62.4%38.5% Open (No %; ACT %36.8% ALL Master’s Granting Public 71.1%44.4%
Institutional Characteristics 6 Year Grad EIU 6 Year Grad Nat’l* (+/-)Fresh to Soph Retention EIU Fre to Soph Retention National* (+/-) All Public Master’s Granting 59% %+15.1%79%71.1%+9.3% Traditional Selectivity Public ** 59%44.4%+14.7%79%69.3%+9.7% *Source: ACT Institutional Data File, 2012 ** Defined as mean entering cohort ACT of For Fall 2005 entering class
National Retention Rate IL Public RetentionDifference National Graduation Rate IL Public GraduationDifference Highly Selective (Top 10%; ACT 25-30) 95%UI-UC 93%-2%86%UI-UC 82%-4% Selective (Top 25%; ACT 21-26) 81.60%ISU 85%3.60%60.50%ISU 71%10.50% Selective (Top 25%; ACT 21-26) 81.60%UI-Ch 79%-2.60%60.50%UI-Ch 54%-6.50% Traditional Selective (Top 50%; ACT 18-24) 69.30%NIU 71%1.70%43.90%NIU 56%12.10% Traditional Selective (Top 50%; ACT 18-24) 69.30%WIU 71%1.70%43.90%WIU 53%9.10% Traditional Selective (Top 50%; ACT 18-24) 69.30%SIU-C 66%-3.30%43.90%SIU-C 45%1.10% Traditional Selective (Top 50%; ACT 18-24) 69.30%SIU-E 70%-0.70%43.90%SIU-E 52%8.10% Traditional Selective (Top 50%; ACT 18-24) 69.30%EIU 79%9.70%43.90%EIU 59%15.10%
Benchmark Eastern Presidential Goal 69.3% 79% 85% Benchmark Eastern Presidential Goal 43.9% 59% 70% Retention Graduation
Time to Degree Graduation First Year To Second Year2011 All First-Time79% Minority First-Time76% First Generation78% Zero EFC*74% First-time Cohort Rate2011 Six Year59% Five Year54% Four Year32% Minority Six Year45% Five Year40% Four Year17% First Generation Six Year56% Five Year50% Four Year27% Retention All First-Time Students
Reminders about Registration Unregistered List to Departments Survey (not registered at 10 th day) ◦ FA11-SP12, 496/9657 – 5% 24.4% holds ◦ SP12-FA12, 585/ % 25.6% holds ◦ FA12-SP13, 494/ % 34.6% holds
Why have you not yet registered for classes? 36.2% hold 20.69% not seen advisor to receive pin 15.5% not gotten around to it 6.9% financial aid/insufficient funds 20.69% other reason Why do you not intend to register? 26.67% transferring to a community college 13.3% transferring to a 4-year institution 13.3% family issues that prevent attending 8.89% going to work 6.67% cannot afford it 31.1% other reason
Early Alert System ◦ Began in FA11 ◦ ITS developed to work with PAWS FA11FA12Difference # Alerts # Students # Faculty102101
Noel Levitz Recommendation ◦ History ◦ Data ◦ Context ◦ Inniatitives Living Document
Connecting Recruitment to Retention Pre-Arrival Initiatives Financial Support
78% of our students rely on financial aid6% 48.65% of our students are first-generation 7.65% 45.8% of the entering class are transfer students6.8% 21.7% of our students are an ethnic minority 8% 20% of the entering freshman class were admitted through a special admission program11%
Faculty Sharing: Practices for Student Achievement & Development Strengthening the Advisee/Mentee Connection Making Individual Connections: Strategies for Support Staff
Graduation Rates: National Center for Education Statistics, National Retention and Graduation Benchmarks & Selectivity: ACT Institutional Data File, EIU Retention and Graduation Rates: Planning and Institutional Studies,