By. Jennifer Hunter, Grace Kang, Katerina Fupsova
Classification Category Geological
Natural Hazard Event / Date and Place Volcano Eruption Kyushu, Japan – 1991
Consequences and Aftermath of Hazard damaged about 1,300 houses - Between August 1992 and July 1993, Pyroclastic flows created an enormous apron of loose fragmental deposits on the volcano's steep east side. Unzen's upper slopes owing to the death of vegetation, these deposits are a ready source of loose debris for generating lahars during rainstorms. Each period of heavy rain required sudden evacuation of several thousand residents.
Other potential natural hazards faced by this Place / Region and Country earthquake
Total Population at time of event and Total Deaths / Injured from event 44 people killed including three volcanologists: Katia and Maurice Kraft and Harry Glicken. Destroyed a about 2000 houses from this volcano.
6 Factors 1)Frequency : two hundred years 2)Duration: )Extent : Kyushu about 40 kilometers east of Nagasaki. The most extensive of flows reached a point 4.5 kilometers from the dome. 4)Speed of onset : It became stronger between February 12,1991 and May 20,1991. At the beginning several month of small explosions. 5)Spatial dispersion : yes, remains of eruption still threaten Kyushu 6)Temporal spacing : Random
references an/description_unzen.html an/description_unzen.html unzen.htm