Civil War & – Unit II Review Jeopardy CausesWarPeopleWar Impacts Reconstruction Potpourri
home This was the direct cause of the Civil War (the straw that broke the camel’s back) Attack of Fort Sumter by the South
This act gave people the right to vote on whether or not their territory would have slaves. What is the name of the act? AND What is the right to vote on slavery called ? home Kansas-Nebraska Act Popular Sovereignty
home These were the provisions of the Missouri Compromise Missouri – slave state Maine – free state 36’ 30 line North free, South slave (ban on slavery in part of Louisiana Territory)
home This is how the economies varied between the North and the South NorthSouth IndustryFarming Trade Slave labor
The Dred Scott v. Sanford Decision was important to the start of the Civil War because of these reasons: home it deemed the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional It deemed slaves property, not citizens It essentially opened up slavery everywhere
home This military policy was used in Sherman’s March to the Sea, where the Union was willing to make any sacrifice necessary to defeat the South. Total War
home What was the goal of the Emancipation Proclamation AND what did it achieve? Goal: Free slaves in confederate states Achieved: a moral purpose for North
These were the conditions of the surrender of the South home They were generous: 1.Confederate officers could keep their weapons 2.Officers and troops could keep their horses 3.Every soldier was free to return home
home What was the goal of the Anaconda Plan and what were the three specific parts? Goal: to squeeze the South to death 1.Naval blockade 2.Control Mississippi 3.Capture Richmond (their capital)
home List the Advantages for the North and the South North South More people Better Leadership Diverse EconDefensive War Industry Home advantage Railroads Closer to supplies
This group in Congress was critical of Andrew Johnson’s handling Reconstruction because they thought African Americans should achieve full equality home Radical Republicans
This was the president of the Confederacy home Jefferson Davis
home This former tailor from the South took over the presidency after Abe Lincoln was assassinated Andrew Johnson
These people supporting getting rid of slavery home Abolitionists
This group impeached President Johnson for violating the Tenure of Office Act home The House of Representatives
This group of African American soldiers helped win acceptance by the Union Army home 54 th Massachusetts Regiment
These took place in the South out of desperation when people were starving home The Bread Riots
List the challenges women had to endure during the war home took over men’s jobs at home Spies/soldiers Nurses/sometimes Drs. Starving families to feed
List the challenges African Americans faced during the war home still faced racism Assigned menial tasks in army Lack of training and better weapons Paid $10 to white soldier’s $13 month
List the Challenges faced by (white) soldiers home military draft Boredom/Homesick New weapons = deadliest war Battle/pain/watch friends die Illness (more died of illness than from battle)
These laws drew a color line between blacks and whites in public places home Jim Crow Laws
The 15 th amendment: home Granted African American MEN the right to vote
This white supremacist group used terror to bring back white power to the South home Ku Klux Klan
home The 13 th Amendment: Abolished slavery in every state. It had to be ratified by each confederate state in order to rejoin the Union.
home The 14 th Amendment: Granted Citizenship to all born or naturalized here Granted equality under the law to all citizens
Loyalty to the interest of one’s own region home Sectionalism
This Supreme Court Case deemed segregation constitutional when it said it was ok if there were “separate but equal” facilities home Plessy v. Ferguson
home List why the Civil War was considered the “Modern War” New Weapons Transportation (railroads) Communication (telegraph )
The purpose of the Black Codes and the 3 points were: home Purpose: to restrict what former slaves could do 1.Spell out rights 2.Working contracts 3.Low level jobs only
The right of a person being detained to appear in court so that a judge may determine whether the person has been imprisoned lawfully home Habeas Corpus