Coming of the Civil War Unit 6 Chapters 15-16
Compromise of 1850 / Election of 1852 Pages Compromise of 1850 –Clay-Webster vs. Calhoun –Conditions –Issues / Impacts Election of 1852 –Candidates / Platforms Pierce’s Administration –Ostend Manifesto
Kansas-Nebraska Act Pages Kansas – Nebraska Act –Goals –Issues –Republican Party Nativism –Who, what, why Election of 1856 –Issues –Significance
Dred Scott / Lincoln-Douglas Pages Dred Scott Case –Issues –Outcomes Crash of 1857 Lincoln vs. Douglas –Freeport Doctrine –Future Impacts The rise and fall of John Brown
1860 Election / End of the Union Pages Political Party Changes –Democrats –Constitutional Union –Republican Election of 1860 Secession Crittenden Compromise
Secession/Border States Pages Problems with Secession Opening Shots….. Role of the Border States –Issues –Impacts Comparing the Combatants –Northern Advantages/Disadvantages –Southern Advantages/Disadvantages
Early Battles Pages McClellan vs. Lee –Issues –Impacts –Antietam War at Sea –Issues –Role of the Ironclads
Emancipation / Life of the Soldier Pages Emancipation or Proclamation? –Intentions –Reactions –Outcomes Life of the Soldier –Experiences of African-American Soldiers –Common experiences of all Soldiers Political Issues –Northern Democrats –Copperheads
Tide Turns/End of the War Pages Gettysburg –Significance –Role of the Gettysburg Address William Tecumseh Sherman –Causes / Impacts of Total War Election of 1864 Southern Surrender – why?