MEDICINE LODGE TREATY Was an effort to stop attacks by Plains Indians Have them take on a farming lifestyle Plains tribes – Kiowa, Comanche, Kiowa-Apache, Cheyenne, and Arapaho Meet at Medicine Lodge Kansas – Believed the water of the Medicine River to be healing. They agreed to move to Southwestern Oklahoma and live on Reservations Treaty also stated that any Native American found living off of the Reservation would be in violation of the treaty. This would mean the US government could use any means necessary to force them onto the reservation. They also agreed to take on the White man’s lifestyle and not roam the plains. 2
MEDICINE LODGE TREATY Agreed to attend schools and take on farming practices of the Whiteman. This would be the second time in history they were removed from their land. They did understand that they were giving up there way of life 3
Fact – list 4Impact of each fact 5 FACTS ON VIDEO
FORT SUPPLY General _____________________ Was established to Supply the _______________________________ Built during the winter – ________________________________ Woodward County Today is the site of a prison and the Wolf Creek it was built around is dammed off and is now a lake. What is the Lake and prison name? 6
THE BATTLE OF WASHITA Cheyenne Led by ________________– set up winter camp on the Washita River Larger Camps for the __________, _____, and ______ a few miles down the river Arapaho Chief Big Mouth traveled to ask _____________ for peace and protection. Hazen – ____________________________________________________________________ ____ What treaty caused this? Cheyenne War _________________________ ignored the treaty and attacked settlers on Kansas. 7
8 CHIEFS Chief Black Kettle Chief Roman Nose
George Armstrong Custer - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com 9 GENERALS George CusterPhillip Sheridan’s
BATTLE OF WASHITA Custer went in snow storm to attack ______________________ Came up at night Custer claimed to have killed ______________________________ Cheyenne claimed they lost 30 Among those killed was Black Kettle and his wife _______________-___ Troops slaughter cattle and mules of the Indians Took ___ prisoners to Camp Supply The other plain tribes camped down the river heard the battle and came to help but were cut-off by another military detachment. 11
THE BATTLE OF SOLDIER SPRING November ______________________-- _____________ Led troops from New Mexico The headed to base of the _____________Mountains ___________________ were camped near Soldier Creek in a valley This had provided them protection for centuries – Normal way of life for them Sheridan believed that warriors in that camp had ____________________ Outmanned and Outnumbered the camp was over taken by the troops 12
HOW THE MILITARY FUNCTIONED Destroy ___________ Food and _________ They would threw dried buffalo meat in a pond That pond became know as ____________________ They killed horses Took all thing valuable to the Native American and destroyed it Battle of Soldier Springs 13