Marco Polillo Associazione Italiana Editori Corso di Porta Romana 108, Milan Italian publishing: export efforts in a difficult market.
6.0% 16.8% 77.2% 81.1% , % 7.2% 58, % 8.5% 6.9% Book production figures million copies are printed and released onto the market every year. Number of titles on sale: 690,279 (2010; Source: IE) Source: AIE research office from Istat data 4,0024,071 3,300 6,574 4,991 15,200 44,970 49,767 1, Present Children’sSchool Miscellaneous 77.2% 81.1%84.6% 19,700
Classics % % Adult fiction %2, % Detective/mystery2048.4%3128.0% Science fiction and fantasy 994.1%1554.0% Horror170.7%631.6% Erotica120.5%381.0% Romantic fiction903.7%2526.5% Poetry291.1%611.6% eBook figures by genre % +42.2% +35.4% +42.0% +28.6% +56.7% 8,196 02_2011 Total Number of Italian eBooks in January 2010: 1,619. Source: AIE research office from IE data 321 2, ,309 5, , ,684 7,559 Children’s / Children’s fiction Adult fictionGeneral non-fiction Practical non-fiction Specialist non-fiction Nov_2010Jan_2011
Reading: the potential market
Source: AIE research office from Istat (Multiscopo) and FEE data The number of readers of at least one book in the previous 12 months (population >6 years old) went from 39.1% in 1995 (23 million readers) to 46.8% (26.6 million): +15.7%. Despite the growth – and the consequent expansion of the potential market – Italy is still the smallest "domestic" market of the large publishing markets in Europe: France, 70% (> 15 years old, 2008), Spain 55.1% (2009); Germany (80%; of whom 45.0% read one book a month); etc.
Population aged over 6 56,664,000 The reading pyramid Readers of at least one book: 45.1% 25,546,000 Readers of 1-3 books: 20.3% 11,521,000 Readers of more than 12 books: 6.9% 3,883,000 Readers of 4-11 books: 17.9% 10,142,000 Base: Population aged over 6 reading at least one non-school book in the previous 12 months Source: AIE research office from Istat (Multiscopo) data
The market and the publishers.
* +2.9% +25.0% +2.3% * Includes digital products and services provided (refresher courses, magazine subscriptions, etc.) or special terms for the purchase of professional books. Breakdown of distribution channels: e-books; <0.1% Excludes 350 mln euro from piracy (photocopies; estimate) bln euro Source: AIE research office Retail purchasing consortiums Online bookshops Bookshops Trade; 42.4% Adopted in schools; 19.6% Electronic publishing; 7.7% Databases; 2.9% Serials; 6.3% Collectibles; 4.7% VPC and book club; 5.7% Book exports; 1.2% b2b (libraries + special initiatives); 3.7% Other (non book, half price); 5.8% 78.2% 4.3% 17.5% 1
Total trade market in billions of euro (cover price) Figures for 2010 (trade channels). Source: Nielsen BookScan for AIE Var: +5.7% Euro Var: +3.4% +1.8% copies
1,399 mln euro1,446 mln euro Var: +3.4% +1.8% Var: +5.7% +2.3% +25.0% +2.9 % Market: trade channels /2 Source: Nielsen BookScan for AIE 17.6%17.5% 4.3% 78.9% 78.2% 2.5% Retail purchasing consortiums Online bookshops Bookshops (chains + independent)
41.0% 37.9% 3.5% 17.6% 37.9% 40.4% 4.3% 17.5% Var: +3.4% +2.9% +5.9% +25.0% -2.8% Euro 43.3% 36.0% 3.1% 17.5% +5.7% The trade channels: chain stores overtake bookshops / 3 Source: Nielsen BookScan for AIE
38.9% 15.1% 18.5% 15.7% 12.8% 37.2% 14.9% 19.9% 15.2% 13.4% Var: +4.7% -1.7% +5.0% +1.7% +0.5% +5.2 mln euro +6.6 mln euro * Excluding retail purchasing consortiums Euro 15.6% 18.4% 15.4% 12.9% Trade channels: + Children's & Young adults and Practical non-fiction: * Source: Nielsen BookScan Italia Thousands Children’s & Young adults Specialist non-fiction Practical non-fiction General non-fiction Fiction 13.4% 15.2% 14.9% 37.2% 12.8% 15.7% 15.1% 38.9% 12.9% 15.4% 15.6% 18.4% 37.7%
Thousands PaperbackHardcover 18.1% 81.9% 18.6% 81.4% Var: +2.9% +6.6% *Excluding retail purchasing consortiums Euro 20.3% 79.7% Var: -0.5% +10.6% The paperback gains ground: * Source: Nielsen BookScan Italia
0 100, , , , , , , , ,000 1,000,000 P11 cum 2008P11 cum 2009P11 cum 2010 Thousands RestSmall publishers 88.3% 11.7% 13.0% 87.0% * The term "Small publishers" refers to publishers who exhibit at “Più libri più liberi” **Excluding retail purchasing consortiums Euro +2.1% +14.9% Var: +0.9% +6.1% Var: 13.5% 86.5% small publishers* above average** / 5 Source: Nielsen BookScan for AIE In 2009/10 they “led“ the growth. They account for 13% of bookshop sales. Nielsen figures are similar to 2007 and 2008 figures from Libris.
0 100, , , , , ,00 700, , ,000 1,000,000 Thousands RestSmall publishers 90.2% 9.8% 10.6% 89.4% Euro +3.7% +2.3% Var: 9.7% 90.3% +0.5% +11.4% Var: small publishers* without the new "big names" in the book trade** / 5 * The term "Small publishers" refers to publishers who exhibit at “Più libri più liberi”. It does not include Newton Compton and Fazi **Excluding retail purchasing consortiums Source: Nielsen BookScan for AIE
The increasing role of exports. Source: AIE from ICE-Doxa figures for ; AIE estimates from publishers' data -3,600 -3,419 Historically, Italian publishers have kept an eye on what foreign houses publish: 00.0% of published titles are translated works (however, in the 1990s this figure was %). Over the last decade, the capacity to sell publishing rights to foreign publishers has grown (+155%): fiction, children's books, photo/picture books, design, etc. +48% +155% 4,590 8,009 1,800 2,060 2,380 2,660 2,620 3,230 3,490 4,025 5,400 5,800 6,120 6,640 6,980 7,730 9, SoldAcquired
Growth in children's books for export
Since 2001, the gap and differentiation between the sale and acquisition of publishing rights in children's publishing have gradually and constantly decreased. Between 2009 and 2010 the situation turned "positive" (+324 titles). The picture would be even stronger if figures for co-publishing (and publishing packages), graphic work and Italian illustrators working on the international market, etc. could be included. Sale and acquisition of rights. Source: AIE research office from ICE-Doxa figures for ; 2008 and 2010 AIE research office Negative balance: -764 Positive balance: + 324
A growing number of titles starts out as books with possible international spread. This means new and different author policies (narrators, illustrators); graphic quality; co-publishing. Sale and acquisition of rights. * Il libro? Vale solo se tradotto?, Sole 24 Ore, , pg. 29. Source: AIE research office from ICE-Doxa figures for ; 2008 and 2010 AIE research office; Liber. Titles: new titles/rights sold % of all new titles whose rights have been sold
Italy Europe 65% export Asia 21% North America 4% 1,186 titles (+18%) 186 titles (+101%) 67 titles (+0%) Publishing areas where rights are sold (2010). Europe remains the main market for the sale of rights. Values in % and number of titles (2007/10). Central and South America 7% 128 titles (+83%) Asian markets, with a 21% share (14% in 2007), are currently the second region, widely overtaking North America; although starting figures were very low until a few years ago, their growth rates are extremely high. North America shows again the lowest growth rate: unchanged. Exchanges with Central and South America are on the increase: 7% of the market share (+83%) Source: AIE research office from figures supplied by publishers [70%] [5%]
17.6% 5.6% 6.3% 2,8% 3.0% 4.6% 28.2% 8.2% 4.8% 7.2% 4.3% 7.4% Countries where rights are sold (2010). France Germany UK Portugal Spain Greece Scandinavia Poland Hungary Balkans Russia Other countries Source: AIE research office from figures supplied by publishers 19.0% Asia; 20.5% Middle East; 3.4% Central and South America; 7.1% North America; 3.7% Others; 0,2% Europe; 65.1%
Europe Asia North America Central and South America Other countries Comparison between large and small publishers (2010). Higher "transaction" costs, spread over a smaller number of titles in absolute terms, with fewer serials. Source: AIE research office from figures supplied by publishers 3.5% 5.8% 6.8% 10.7% 3.7% 2.9% 19.8% 14.9% 66.2% 65.7% Large Small independents