ICE-TDB Textile Training course (15-20 march 2010, Suzhou) Italian Textile-Fashion Industry: an overview
-2- 2 Turnover Companies Source: SMI Italian Textile-Fashion Industry in EU27 (2008) Italy 26,9% Other EU 73,1% Italy 40% Other EU 60%
-3- 3 Italian Textile-Fashion Industry ( ) Values in millions of euros
-4- 4 Italian Textile-Fashion Industry (2008) Source: SMI
-5- 5 Source: SMI Italian T-F Industry: its Role in Italian Economy T-F on manufacturing (%) Trade Balance (Bill. euro)
-6- 6 Production: industrial districts
-7- 7 Italy: 2° global exporters after Cina + Hong Kong with a share of 6,4% on global export Source: SMI Textile-Fashion: main global exporters (2007) International scenario ( ) Global Export: 436,366 bill. €
-8- 8 Positioning on foreign markets of some Italian TF compartments (2007)
-9- 9 Source: SMI Italian Textile-Fashion: foreign trade Evolution in the long run ( )
Export – Top Clients Italian Textile-Fashion: foreign trade (2008) Source: SMI
Import – Top Suppliers Italian Textile-Fashion: foreign trade (2008) Source: SMI
Italian Textile-Fashion: investment strategies (2008) a SMI internal survey Source: SMI Textile (% on total investments) Fashion (% on total investments)